Page 93 - Wish Stream Year of 2016
P. 93
Intake 48 (1972) Blenheim Company Reunion
one of the rst people to be awarded the Vic- toria Cross posthumously in 1907 for gallantry attempting to save the regimental colours after the battle of Isandlwana in 1879.
The Trust also ran 63 guided tours, an increase of seven over 2015. Known as the ‘youth club’, the 11 volunteer guides (youngest 54, oldest 86) generate a huge amount of income for the char- ity by hosting members of the public on their visit to Sandhurst.
There were also some interesting smaller tours including the Westmacott family, over from Aus- tralia wanting to view the portrait of their relative Capt Herbert Westmacott MC who was killed in a shoot-out with the IRA in 1980, and whose portrait hangs in the Northern Ireland room in Victory Building. The Trust also hosted a Chinese gentleman wanting to see where his grandfather was trained. He provided a poignant photograph of a group of Chinese cadets who attended The Royal Military College in 1930.
The welfare activities started in 2015 and expanded as the charity grew in 2016. Signi cant grants were given to the Of cers Association, with 23 retired Army Of cers being assisted and The Veterans Charity, which assisted 28 mostly homeless former soldiers. Closer to home, 41 RMAS cadets were assisted during the year.
Perhaps the most obvious example of the Trust helping with the welfare of the cadets has been the Lucknow Platoon Buggy. In 2015 Luc- know cadets were given pace counters for a trial period to monitor their movement around RMAS. The results showed that, on average, cadets walked for over four miles a day which was not surprising given the distance from Old College to the Medical Centre. Covering such a distance is a positive enhancement to the t-
The worshipful Company of Glovers Tour
Chinese Cadets at RMC 1930
The Lucknow Platoon buggy