Page 133 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 133

Defence Engagement
The highlight of the year was the Queen’s Birthday Parade Band tour described by one British ambas- sador (according to independent and objective feedback) as the best ever. CSjt Cregan organised this large musical tour that crossed three countries (two of which were effectively at war) played multiple venues whilst transporting numerous varied musical instruments - a massive achievement. The outcome was potent in uence yielding numerous oppor- tunities for relationship building, and lots of media coverage a sample of which is pictured here. Ultimately the tour was well worth the traumatic process of securing VISAs - never underestimate the power of a smart and professional Band and Bugles ably led by WO1 Clayson!
The year began with the Georgian Cambrian Patrol team hoping to build on the previous years’ certi cate  nish. Pre training in Georgia was carried out by WO1 (RSM) Thompson, Sjt Voden (HQ Coy), Sjt Clark (A Coy) and Sjt Pincombe (HQ Coy) who were very well looked after by the Georgians. The team arrived in the UK a week before their patrol date and were introduced to the delights of Brecon as the battalion carried out some FIBUA training at Cellini village. Sjt Maj Jackson (E Coy), Cpl Barclay (E Coy) and Cpl Jones (E Coy) concurrently delivered some top up training and  nal brie ngs. The outcome was a very successful patrol underpinned by a gritty and determined performance from Lt Aleks Ormot- sadze’s men who brought home a silver medal. The Georgian team’s performance was covered widely in the Georgian Media.
Our second deployment to Armenia in as many years took place in Jul as 6 Medics: Cpl Pike, Cpl Scott, LCpl Lake, Pte Cox, Pte Ward and led by Maj Sarah Patching, went out to train the Armenian  re service in incident control and low level medical treatment in an CBRN environment. 6 RIFLES once again worked alongside the Kansas National Guard bene ting from their local knowledge and links. Sarah and her team delivered some high quality training to enhance the capacity of the Armenian Fire Service in a high pro le deployment with a large local media interest that included a panelled interview with Sarah and the Defence Attaché Lt Col David Ethell RM answering questions about Women in the British Army and the deployment. This second deployment has opened more doors and built more
trust with our partners in Armenia for the future. This year’s study day was also successful with a number of high impact speakers from the Army and beyond interested to use 6 RIFLES as guinea pigs for capacity building and Security Sector Reform. As a result we were also invited to contribute to capacity building doctrine and visited the land warfare devel-
opment centre.
6 RIFLES also sent the Bugle Major and the
Adjutant to support the annual remembrance ceremony, and WO2 Jackson and Capt Owen to support a large NATO Bde planning exercise. Capt Jason Mantle also led an outstanding AT expedition. 2016 / 17 has been full of positives for 6 RIFLES Defence Engagement with several successful deployments, visits and an ever developing under- standing of how to go about defence engagement. We look forward to consolidating whilst developing further next year.
Capt David Owen
The Georgian Cambrian Patrol Team in Brecon. Translation Reads “Georgian Rangers returned from Wales to Silver Medal”
Defence Attaché Lt Col Ethell RM and 6 RIFLES MO, Capt Patching enjoying Armenian Media

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