Page 135 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 135

(Queen’s Birthday Parties, South Caucuses)
This year the Salamanca Band and Bugles of the Ri es, supported by Buglers from 4 RIFLES, under the leadership of WO1 (Bandmaster) Clayson and Bugle Major Gait deployed to the South Caucasus. Here they were tasked to work for the Defence Attaché (DA) for a 2 week period using music as a tool for Defence Engagement; playing at the Queen’s Birthday Party celebrations in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
The  rst priority was to provide musical support to the QBP’s in each country. Each event was then backed up with good work in the community, creating excellent PR for the DA and his team. Outside the QBP’s, the Band and Bugles performed for Presidents and high ranking of cials from the three countries, four joint concerts with local military musicians, a performance for Internally Displaced People in Georgia (for UNICEF) and at a workshop for a Conservatoire of young talented musicians in Armenia. Each occasion enabled The Ambassadors and the DA and his team invaluable opportunities to open dialogue and to in uence those in power in the region.
Fortunately there was also time for the Musicians and Buglers to integrate culturally and downtime was used to ensure that everyone enjoyed all that was on offer in each city we visited! The feedback
from the Embassies, the DA, plus the huge amount of PR created in the region has been almost immeasurable and there is already talk of a return to the region in 2019.
The Salamanca Band and Bugles
Plenty to smile about. The Bugle Major on another high publicity performance with the Salamanca Band and Bugles in the South Caucuses
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