Page 167 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 167

Durham ACF
Battle eld Tour for Durham Cadets
35 Army Cadets from all across C Company, Durham ACF ranging from 12 years old to 17 took part in Exercise Whiz Bang, their battle eld tour concentrating upon the First World War battles of the Somme and Passchendaele. Cadets from Seaham to Durham travelled to Belgium. During the week-long visit, cadets visited key battle sites and Commonwealth War Graves at locations such as Thiepval and Beaumont Hamel on the Somme. Moving onto other World famous sites such as Sanctuary Wood and Tyne Cot Cemetery which is the largest Commonwealth War Grave Cemetery in the world. While visiting cemeteries, cadets placed decorated stones from home upon the graves of soldiers from Durham so that there will always be a piece of home with those soldiers. On Thursday, the Company paraded through Ypres to the Menin Gate where cadets laid wreaths in memory of soldiers that have made the ultimate sacri ce.
Durham ACF Band & Bugles perform at Wembley Stadium
On Sunday 14th May 2017 the Band & Bugles of Durham Army Cadet Force performed at Wembley Stadium for the Vanarama National League  nal. For the second year running, the organisers from the national football league invited the Band & Bugles of Durham ACF to their national league  nal at Wembley Stadium. The cadets and staff performed in front of just over 40,000 spectators as Forest Green Rovers took on Tranmere Rovers in the nail biting  nal. What an amazing opportunity.
Royal Humane Society Resuscitation Award for Durham Ri es Cadet
17 year old Cadet Colour Serjeant Lewis Knight from Chester le Street, Durham Army Cadet Force was presented the 4th Infantry Brigade Commander’s Coin for actions taken last year saving a fellow sixth form students life. He was presented this wonderful award by Mrs S Win eld OBE, Lord Lieutenant of Tyne and Wear. On Monday 3rd October 16, Lewis was on his way to Sixth Form College; he was summoned to an incident where a young girl was having a seizure and had fallen down some stairs. He approached the scene
and carried out some initial checks. He found out that the young girl had a history of epilepsy but it appeared that she was drifting in and out of consciousness. 999 was called and Lewis was advised to perform Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) which he did so immedi- ately. He gave around three cycles of chest compressions and rescue breaths. Lydia made a full recovery in hospital thanks to Lewis’ efforts.
Brigade First Aid Success
Durham Army Cadet Force (ACF) continues to  y the  ag for  rst aid across the Brigade. After the successfully run County competition, the winning teams started work to prepare for the 2017 brigade event. On Sunday 11th June 14 teams assembled at Drif eld Cadet training centre (CTC) for the competition. Hosted this year by Humberside & South Yorkshire ACF. In total Durham ACF entered 4 teams; two cadet and two young adult teams. All of the teams performed brilliantly coming out on top as winners in both lanes. Durham’s Cadet A Team led by Lance Corporal (LCpl) Anderson, Corporal (Cpl) Wilson, LCpl Goodbrand and Cadet Justice were the overall winners. In second place; the B Team led by Cpl Davison with Cpl Wood, Cpl Moody and Cadet Lambie. Meanwhile running concurrently the young adult teams were also successful; the B Team were announced as overall winners with a staggering 208 points. This team consisted of Potential Instructor’s (PI) Benson and Anderson. The young adult A team were not far behind with a respectable 171 points, which consisted of PI’s Neasham and McNulty. Overall, an excellent result.
Commendation for Major Colin Miller
The Commandant and all ranks of Durham ACF would like to congratulate Major Colin Miller, Director of Music, on the award of the 4 Star Chief of the General Staff, General Sir Nicholas Carter’s commendation for his outstanding achievement and inspirational leadership of Durham ACF Band and Bugles. This is a truly outstanding achievement and recognises the work Major Miller has done to make our band one of the foremost cadet bands in the Country for over 18 years after long and distinguished Territorial Army service.
Director of Music Major Colin Miller is awarded the 4 Star Chief of the General Staff Commendation
CSjt Lewis Knight is presented with the 4 Inf. Bde. Commanders Coin by HM’s Lord Lieutenant of Tyne & Wear, Mrs S Win eld OBE
Durham Army Cadets selected for six week Canadian exchange
On Thursday 6th April seventy-six cadets formed up at Cwrt-y-Gollen Training Camp, the Headquarters of Gwent and Powys ACF to take part in Exercise Maple Leaf, the selection event for the Canadian Exchange. Four of the cadets at the selection were from Durham ACF, the most represented ACF County; Sjt Major Josh Armstrong and CSjt Lewis Knight were competing for a place on the Rocky Mountain Leadership Challenge course, Cpl Jasmine Carhart and LCpl Callum Anderson were competing for a place on the Argonaught course. With the sizzling temper- atures and the delightful Welsh countryside the cadets maintained the high spirits they arrived with over the weekend.
Regional Command announced that the Durham winners were CSjt Lewis Knight and LCpl Callum Anderson from Chester le Street. They will be jetting off to Canada early July. Good luck!
CSjt Lewis Knight and LCpl Callum Anderson will jet off to Canada as the winners of the Regional Command Ex Maple Leaf

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