Page 214 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 214

Maj Paul Wharton MM leads from the front
Brig Charlie Collins DSO OBE escorts the Lord Lieutenant through the Cathedral Cloisters
Service to commend the bravery of Roland Boys Bradford VC MC
The service of commemoration of the bravery of Roland Boys Bradford VC, MC who was awarded the Victoria Cross for his extreme gallantly leading 151 Bde at the Battle of Warlencourt on 1st October
1916, took place in the presence of HM’s Lord Lieutenant of the County of Durham, at St Paul’s Church Witton Park on Saturday 1 October 2016. The DLI Association Padre, the Revd Kenneth Crawford, conducted the service with the Revd Elishiva Mechanic, Priest-in-Charge St Paul’s Witton Park, accompanied by the Methodist Minister Revd Hodgson. Also present to read the poem ‘The Soldier’ by Rupert Brooke was Mrs Jacqui Holloway, mother of the late Capt Richard Holloway, RE, (SBS), killed in Action on 23 Dec 2013. Buglers of The Ri es were present to sound the appropriate bugle calls as well as the Standards from Bishop Auckland, Darlington& Newton Aycliffe and Spenn- ymoor branches. In addition two county and parish councillors, members of the parish, President of the DLI Association, Vice-President and Secretary, as well as of cers of the former DLI and Light Infantry, and DLI Historian Mr Harry Moses were present on this, the 100th Anniversary, of the award. Photo- graphs were taken on the Green before a reception in the Methodist Community Hall.
Cllr’s Rob Yorke and Christine Wilson turn
the  rst turf to mark the location of the Roland Boys Bradford VC MC Memorial Stone to be unveiled 01 October 2016
News from Durham
DLI Annual Reunion
The Association reports a successful DLI Reunion in 2016. The new parade format was shown to be successful allowing the Lord Lieutenant, Sue Snowdon, the opportunity to speak to many more of those on parade. The idea of a non-marching contingent was also successful allowing many Association members, not now  t enough to march, to share in the parade, which is always enjoyable for former soldiers. An interesting aspect is that the number parading in the two marching contingents was up on the normal parading numbers which was a somewhat unexpected bene t. The Associ- ation Chairman noted that numbers attending the cathedral service were up, hopefully in response to his earlier appeal, Most if not all branches paraded their standard, which were co-ordinated by John Pepper. The contribution to the parade organisation made by Michael Langelier and John Norton is appreciated.
The Association Secretary is grateful for the patience and forbearance of those Association members and their wives who were delayed at the Porter’s Lodge of the College Green for so long after
the cathedral service, and thanks the Cadet Force Band mini coach for coming to the rescue those stranded there.
Numbers at the College of St Hild and St Bede were around their usual number. There were good sales at the Association shop, particularly of the Association Christmas Card, of which there is still a good supply available at the Ri es Of ce as well as other items. Thanks for this go to Shirley Nicholson, Admin Of cer of the Ri es Of ce who ran the stall all day. The new DLI Friends stall run by Eddy Castling, assisted by Naomi and Carolyn was also successful in term of sales and information about the DLI Friends who have replaced the former DLI Museum Friends. Thanks go to them too.
One again an enormous debt of thanks must go to Major Colin Miller, Director of Music and Derek Corbett, Bugle Major of the Band and Bugles of the Durham Army Cadet Force which supported the reunion in every way and then played for the Concert in the Caedmon Hall throughout the afternoon. Their support cannot be over-exaggerated. Without the Band & Bugles the Reunion weekend would be a pale re ection of what it is.

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