Page 216 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 216

Members of the Faithful Inkerman Dinner Club at their annual dinner in the RBL Dubmire Club Fencehouses
The Faithful Inkerman Dinner Club committee stand by the DLI VC Stone in November 2016 for the last time. Secretary Brian Laverick, President, Col John Heron and Chairman Ralph Harrison
The VC Stone Ceremony
The VC Stone Ceremony took place two days later on 6th November at the present site of the VC Stone, which carries the names of all the Durham Light Infantry soldiers who were awarded the Victoria Cross. It will be the last time that the ceremony will take place at the present site beside the former Museum of the Durham Light Infantry as during the course of the next few months the stone will be moved to a new site on Palace Green Durham. Unusually it was a cold and wet morning and as the Museum is now closed there were no refreshments. Wreaths were laid by Club President Lt Col John Heron TD and Regimental County Secretary (Ri es) Major Chris Lawton MBE, DL. The bugles calls were played by the Bugles of the Durham Army Cadet Force and a small and faithful crowd stood to hear the reading of the names by the Chairman Mr Ralph Harrison and listen to the story of the valour of Sgt John Murray who won his VC on 4th November 1864 in the New Zealand War. The Regimental Hymn was sung there for the last time, followed by the National Anthem. ‘No More Parades Today’ was played by the bugles as a  nal tribute to the Regiment.
“The Faithful” Inkerman Dinner
Each year “The Faithful” Inkerman Dinner Club formed by former Territorial Army Members of the Durham Light Infantry and Light Infantry Volunteers hold an Annual Dinner on the Friday nearest 5th November, the date on which the 68th Light Infantry fought the Crimean War Battle of Inkerman in 1854, the day on which the Warrant Of cers and Serjeants of the Regiment won their of cers’ whistles and chains, commanding the Regiment in the absence of the of cers, in the icy fog of the morning on the high ground around the Russian Port of Sevastopol when they drove the Russian Yakutsk Regiment from the  eld at the point of the bayonet. Inkerman became the primary Battle Honour of the DLI, and Inkerman day was celebrated in the Regiment ever after.
The Inkerman Dinner took place at the Dubmire Royal British Legion Club in Fence Houses on Friday 4 November 2016 when 106 club members sat down to dinner, a remarkable number when consid- ering the competing social events taking place that evening. Heading the top table was Mr Ralph
Harrison (Chairman), Mr Brian Laverick (Secretary/ Treasurer) and Lt Col John Heron TD (President), who were joined by Major Paul Wharton MM, (Chairman DLI Association) Major Chris Lawton MBE DL (Ri es Secretary Durham), Lt Col Jimmy Brown, Major John Jackson, Mr John Adey (Treasurer Chester-le-Street War Memorial Fund), Major Donald McDonald, Mr Colin Smith (Co-op Distribution Manager), Mr John Anderson (Dubmire RBL Club). Also present were Lt Col Ted Kemp, Major Brian Snaith, Major Chris Wheeler, Major Richard Booth, Major Mike Foster, Major Albert Armstrong, Major Mike van der Gucht, Capt Chris Matthews and Mr Peter Halligan. Mr Adey had committed a sum of £3000 from the no-longer-required funds of the Chester-le-Street Memorial Project, whose work was now complete, to the business of moving the Durham Light Infantry Victoria Cross Stone to its new location, should this be required. Mr Colin Smith from the Co-op Distribution Centre at Birtley, provided the 1st prize in the raf e, as he always does and also made a commitment to the VC Stone re-location project. A very good night was had by all.

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