Page 221 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 221
8th/11th Bns DLI attend their annual dinner in the Gilesgate Armoury Reserve Forces Centre
Gravenstafel Ridge Commemoration and 8th/11th DLI OCA Annual Dinner - 22 April 2017 On the nearest Saturday to 25th April annually the 8th/11th Bns O.C.A. and the College of St Hild and St Bede Commemorate the Battle of Gravenstafel Ridge which took place 25/26 April 1915 and was the rst taste of action for the newly formed 8th Bn Durham Light Infantry (Territorial Force).
The 8th Battalion had amongst it soldiers students and former students of the College of the Venerable Bede which was located just across the road from the Gilesgate Drill Hall, which was the headquarters of the 8th Battalion. Students at the college were encouraged to join the 8th Battalion for the bene t of their health and the opportunities for comradeship which existed there. So many students from the college responded to this that they formed a detachment known as the Bede Contingent, later the Bede Company, of the 8th Battalion.
As were many young men of their time the Bede men were keen to get to grips with the Boche. Their rst action was at St Julien and on the Graven- stafel Ridge alongside the 1st Canadian Division who had been holding the ridge with the French Zouaves and neighbouring French divisions on their left ank. The French had ed in terror as a result of the German Army using chlorine gas for the rst time in war leaving the Canadian’s left ank open. The Canadians supported by 8th Bn DLI held the salient at tremendous cost before retiring to a prepared defensive position in the rear.
This was the rst action of the Bede men, who had little idea what was to come, and who went into action comparing the bombardment they were witnessing to the reworks at Durham Regatta. The 8th Bn lost 574 men and 19 of cers in that action. The ceremony on 22 April 2017 was to commemorate this action.
Once again in 2017 the support of the Durham ACF Band and Bugles under their Bandmaster Major Colin Miller RIFLES and Bugle Major Derek Corbett was invaluable, playing throughout the commemoration which took place at the Graven- stafel War Memorial on the college lawn, in the presence of the Lord Lieutenant of County Durham Sue Snowdon and the college Principal Jan Clarke, and many former DLI, Light Infantry of cers and men of the Ri es as well as numerous college alumni and present day students. The commem- oration was conducted by the Chaplain to the DLI Association, the Revd Kenneth Crawford and the College Chaplain Father Timothy Ferguson,
supported by students from the college. The wreath was laid by Lt Col John Heron TD, DLI Association Secretary and former Bede College Student, the President O.C.A Major Donald McDonald not being present, as he was recuperating from a fall. The Durham City Branch Standard was paraded by their Standard Bearer John Pepper. Following the commemoration the whole company retired to the Caedmon Hall where the Durham ACF Band and Bugles played a Retreat. This was a new venture. The weather in April is frequently unpleasant and everyone could enjoy the Retreat in the comfortable conditions of the Caedmon Hall.
After the Retreat college personnel retired to a reception in the Collier Room, while members of the 8th /11th Bns DLI O.C.A. made their way to the Gilesgate Armoury for their Annual Dinner. Once again the cadet Band and Bugles played throughout the meal. Guests of the OCA were Beccy Hodson and Elliot Matger, President and Vice President of Hild & Bede Students Representative Council, preserving the links of friendship between the College and the Regiment that have existed since the Great War. The dinner was presided over by the Chairman of the OCA, Mr Michael Langelier BEM assisted by his Secretary Mr Kenneth Suddes. The Loyal Toast was proposed by Mr Ralph Harrison. Over 100 old comrades and their guests sat down to dinner and were entertained by the ‘fun’ section of the Bugles who played a humorous rendering of the Post Horn Gallop.
Also present were Major Chris Lawton MBE DL (Ri es Secretary Durham), Major Paul Wharton MM (Chairman DLI Association) Colonel Steve Hopper, Lt Cols Ian Banks and Jimmy Brown, Majors John Jackson, Brian Snaith, Alasdair Watson, Albert Armstrong and Darryl Dowdall and many former members of the Durham Light Infantry and the Light Infantry.
Gravenstafel Ridge Memorial in the grounds of the College of St Hild and St Bede