Page 222 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 222
Spennymoor Town celebrates Armed Forces Day
The annual Drumhead Service to celebrate Armed Forces Day was held in Jubilee Park at 2pm on Saturday 24th June. In total contrast to last year, the dark clouds blew over just beforehand, leaving a dry and sunny afternoon for the event. Local represent- atives of armed forces’ associations, cadets, the police and the re service paraded their standards to the bandstand before the drumhead altar was built and draped in the Union Flag and the standard of Spennymoor British Legion. The service was led by Father Livesey and the Reverend George Eales, in the presence of the Deputy Lord Lieutenant, Miss Maura Regan, OBE DL, Spennymoor Town Mayor, Cllr Ian Machin and the Mayoress, Cllr Mrs Machin, led the civic contingent, who were joined in the sunshine by residents of all ages. The service was a particularly poignant reminder of the continuing role of our armed services, given the record deployment
of troops in Britain following terrorist attacks. It was also a precursor to the centenary of the Battle of Paschendaele on 31 July. As always the event was organised in true military fashion by the Drumhead Service Committee who thanked everyone in its planning and execution.
Mayor’s’ Charity Appeal donation to C4C
Councillor Jed Hillary, Mayor of Great Aycliffe for 2016/17, and late of the 3rd Battalion Light Infantry, chose Care for Casualties as the main bene ciary of his charity fundraising, during his term of of ce. His fundraising included sales of his handcrafted leath- erwork including LI bugle adorned leather belts and hand embossed leather topped stools, bearing our Regimental crests. The bulk of the funds were raised at his end of term civic ball with over £1,600 being raised on the evening. Barclays Bank kindly match funded the civic ball proceeds with a further £1,000. The Care for Casualties charity has received £3,200 as a result of Jed’s fundraising efforts. Commenting at the Town Council’s annual general meeting, Jed explained that the Regiment has been involved in world-wide operational deployments almost contin- ually since the merger in 2007, and had seen consid- erable active service in the Gulf and Afghanistan. He said he was proud to be able to support The Ri es and their families, who he considers to be part of his wider family.
Ri es Northern Cocktail Party & Sounding Retreat
The DLI/LI/Ri es Annual Northern Cocktail Party was held on Friday 05 May 17, but with a difference. Normally held in the Undercroft of Durham Cathedral and the Sounding Retreat in the Cloisters Garth of the Cathedral, this year the application was rejected with no reason given apart from it was double booked? For weeks rumours were spreading like wild re as to Durham Cathedral being used as a venue for some Hollywood Block- buster. Nothing was given away at any of the press conferences until actors such as “Thor” actor Chris Hemsworth were seen and rumours of Samuel L Jackson might be in town. Joe and Anthony Russo were giving nothing away but did say “Durham Cathedral is stunning and is one of the great Cathedrals of Europe”. “Big lms need big locations like Durham Cathedral to satisfy the level of scale”.
It was eventually revealed that “Avengers In nity War” was being shot in the Cathedral. Not wanting to move the Cocktail Party off the peninsula, Durham University offered up the University Palace Library and Palace Green for the Retreat. The main guests were the Lord Lieutenant County Durham Mrs Sue Snowdon and the Freedom Mayors of Sunderland, Stockton, Darlington, Hartlepool and other Borough Mayors of the county as well as the great and the good from industry and Durham University. The music throughout the Cocktail Party was provided by an eight piece Band and this was followed by the full Durham ACF Band and Bugles on Palace Green for Sounding Retreat. Many spectators who were visiting Durham, plus university students mustered on the perimeter of Palace Green to watch the marching display. Many cameras were also seen ashing from behind the caravans and vehicles of the lm crews. Durham’s worst kept secret added to this year’s event on Palace Green.
HM’s Lord Lieutenant Sue Snowdon talks to the DOM Major Colin Miller after the Retreat
Cllr Jed Hillary Mayor of Great Aycliffe (ex 3LI) raises £3,200 for C4C during his year in of ce