Page 243 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 243

ASSER - Richard Kenneth, Major Richard Asser joined the Queen’s Regiment as 2nd Lieutenant on 26 November 1949, promoted Acting Lieutenant 27 November 1951 and Acting Captain 27 July 1953. Richard transferred to the Oxfordshire and Bucking- hamshire Light Infantry (TA) on 27 March 1962 as Acting Major when he and Jane with family moved from London to Oxfordshire, Tadmarton Manor, near Banbury.
The Battalion was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Montague-Jones with Headquarters at Marston Road, Oxford, and with remaining companies at Banbury, Witney, Henley and High Wycombe - a total strength of 650 men. Richard had earned a high reputation so it was natural that he was given command of ‘C’ Company in Banbury on 25 August 1961. Annual Camp 1962 was at Penhale, near Torquay and Richard was immediately placed in charge of the battalion ri e team, an astute move by the Commanding Of cer as the standard of shooting rose signi cantly thereafter.
The regular Battalion 43rd and 52nd changed to a Ri e Regiment on 29 June 1963. It was natural for the TA battalion to follow “ Her Majesty the Queen has been graciously pleased to approve that the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, Territorial Army, shall henceforth be a Ri e battalion”. Lieutenant Colonel Peter Gerahty MBE was now in command.
The Battalion Shooting Club had been formed in 1963 which held monthly meetings on Otmoor range throughout the winter in an endeavour to raise shooting standards and to handle con dently the self-loading ri e which had to be used for the  rst time in 1964 in Territorial Competition Shooting. Richard had sown the seed of enthusiasm, as a result there was a marked improvement in the results of the decentralised matches. He led by winning a Bronze Medal among a number of other winners.
On 12 May 1964, Richard was awarded the
Territorial Ef ciency Decoration (TD) and was promoted Major on 31 July 1964. He handed over ‘C’ Company to John Gardner to become Second- in-Commandandhisin uencewaswidelyfeltin Battalion Headquarters. This was an important time as notice was received that the Battalion was to be reduced to one company only in 1967. The Company based in Oxford would form part of the Green Jackets Volunteer Reserve Battalion, with Battalion Headquarters and two companies in London. Although very sad news, it was stated that the reserve force, although very much smaller than its predecessor, would be better equipped and trained with annual camps shared with regular battalions and depots. As a result the Oxford Company  our- ished and prospered with the leadership and early preparation initiated by Richard. The 4th (Volunteer) Battalion, the Royal Green Jackets was born on 1 April 1967. The re-organisation brought to an end the valued service of many Territorial Army enthu- siasts whose loyalty, service and enterprise would be sorely missed, Richard Asser being undoubtedly one.
Richard was a natural leader and respected by all ranks. He was an example of an ef cient ‘Ever ready’ – a volunteer for duty with the Regular Army in an emergency anywhere overseas; to provide individual reinforcements for units on mobilisation and to play a part in the defence of this country in war. A natural leader, a man who was relaxed, ef cient and approachable. The Regiment appre- ciated his loyal and valued service.
Richard died on 29 April 2017 aged 86
The following deaths within the local regimental family have been reported since they were last published.
2/Lt C N (Colin) Allinson. Enlisted as a National Serviceman in September 1951. Won the Young Soldier Shooting Prize in 1952 and was commis- sioned on 22 March 1952 into the 1st Bn Oxford- shire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry joining them in Suez on 30 April 1952. Initially with No 7 Platoon, C Coy and later with the MG Platoon, Support Coy. Left the regiment on cessation of National Service in September 1953. Died September 2015 (late noti - cation).
WO2 D G (Dennis) Vokins (22369205). Joined the 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks Lt Infantry on 1st May 1952 and subsequently served in 4th Bn Oxf & Bucks Lt Infantry (TA), 4 RGJ and 5 RGJ until retirement in 1992. Died 28th July 2016 aged 84.
Pte B J (“Banger”) Jackson (22287003). Served in the 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks Lt Infantry from 1950 – 1958 in HQ Coy. Was a member of the Bn Boxing Team. Died 7th August 2016.
Lt M K (Mike) Newell. Commissioned into the Royal Ulster Ri es in July 1959. Promoted to Lt in August 1961 and transferred to the 4th Bn Oxf & Bucks Lt Infantry with whom he served until 1967. He carried the Bn Colour at the High Wycombe Freedom parade on 4th April 1962. He was a member of the Ri es Of cers Oxford Club. Died 18th August 2016 aged 78.
Lt M W (Mervyn) Bowley (5388590). Initially ITC Cowley then served with the 6th Bn Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry until 31st July 1942 reaching the rank of Cpl. To OCTU then Emergency Commission into the Royal Signals on 14th August 1942. Served with them in North Africa and Italy before demob in 1947. Died 22 October 2016 aged 99.
Pte Ambrose Williams (5391728). Served with the 2nd Bn (52nd), Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry until transfer to the Highland Light Infantry on 3rd November 1944. Died 7 November 2016.

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