Page 263 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 263
The Midlands
Shrewsbury Branch
The Shrewsbury Branch would like to take this opportunity to thank E Company 6 RIFLES who host our thriving Light Infantry and Ri es Association. We are very grateful to the new Permanent Staff Admin- istrative Of cer Captain Vaz Vazquez, who since his arrival late last year has shown 100% advice and support to the branch. In addition, the work effort and enthusiasm that he has put into his new appointment has been outstanding. The new furniture, ttings, decoration and cleanliness of the Army Reserve Centre are such a massive improvement.
The branch continues to thrive with approximately 140 paid up members and we would welcome new military members from the three services who live in the area. Our spring and summer dances have once again been outstanding with both being well attended and we know that the coming Christmas Dinner Dance will be a sell-out. Our away day to Blackpool is still talked about. It must have been the wettest and windiest day of the year, but at the same time a great day out was had by all.
Throughout the past year, the branch has again
made an outstanding contribution in their charity fundraising efforts. £1000 was raised for the KOYLI Memorial Appeal, £250 for the KSLI Museum located in the Shrewsbury Castle and £498 from our Annual Reunion tombola stall to support our branch funds for Welfare and Social events.
The branch, as would be expected had a fantastic turnout at the Reunion weekend. The weather was excellent and a great time was had by all. The 2 LI get together this year was hosted by E Company 6 RIFLES in their Army Reserve Centre. Due to the Shrewsbury Branch working out of the centre, our branch was invited to attend the 2 LI function. 100 + attended, CSjt Decca Winter worked his socks off ensuring everyone had a night to remember.
In summary, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the hard working Shrewsbury Branch Committee for all their hard work during this year which they do for the bene t of their branch members.
Major (Retd) Dennis Crook MBE (Denbo)
Branch Chairman
Cannock Branch
The Cannock Branch, serving the West Midlands catchment area, continues to meet on the last Tuesday of each month (except for December, January and February) at 2000hrs at the Bridgtown Social Club, Walsall Rd. Cannock. WS11 0JB.
We do not hold formal meetings, but we enjoy each other’s company, the beer, and remembering our service days, trying to put faces to names and the characters and places we served. As we get older the memory fades a little and we repeat the same old stories which seem to get embellished a little each time we tell them. But we love it.
Unfortunately, due to health problems, Keith Bucknal has decided to stand down as branch standard bearer, but he will help out if needed and health permits. The Branch appreciates and thanks Keith for his long-standing commitment as standard bearer, proudly attending many events and funerals, representing the Regimental family and promoting the Branch.
Branch members support Regimental events such as the Shropshire Annual Regimental Dinner and the Annual Shrewsbury Regimental Reunion. Some members are also members of the Telford Branch, our nearest neighbours, and support their meetings and social events as and when they can.
In November 2016, the branch paid a visit to the Staffordshire Yeomanry museum located in the ancient Guild Hall in Stafford. We were met and guided by the museum curator, Sarah Elsom. Our visit ended with lunch at a local hostelry which completed a very enjoyable day.
We would like to hear from former Ri emen and Light Infantrymen and hope that they will come and join us. We need some younger blood to secure the future of the Branch and to take it forward in keeping the Regimental ag ying in the Midlands.
Patrick Warren (KSLI/3LI) Branch Point of Contact
Pub Lunch