Page 261 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 261

Herefordshire Light Infantry Museum
Life in the museum is never dull! The small band of active volunteers are very busy conserving items, receiving items and showing visitors around the museum. The small independent nature of the museum (we receive no formal funding and are entirely volunteer run) mean we all turn our hand to whatever needs attention! Without the small and dedicated team the museum would be cared for much less and the ‘story’ of The Herefordshire Regiment less well known.
The Museum has been active hosting visitors in groups and as individuals and has delivered 9 outreach presentations to local interest groups. Amongst others, the museum hosted visits from the High Sheriff, Mayor of Hereford and 12 members of the Crofts family; Maj Crofts has won the Military Cross in 1944 and the museum hold his medals and various other artefacts which the family were most interested to see. These included his Commis- sioning scroll, which is most unusual and possibly unique to the Herefordshire Regiment being signed by Edward VIII. Descendants of those that served in The Herefords continue to contact us and we are continuing to add artefacts and information to the archives. Key amongst accessions have been:
• An original movement order for, and a photograph
of the Battalion’s route lining party’s move to London for the coronation in 1937; this included travelling on the ‘local bus to Hereford’.
• A photograph of the mounted section of the Herefordshire Home Guard
The Museum was also pleased to receive from the City Council, purpose built boxes and some of cers’ mess crockery of the Herefordshire Militia. The Militia’s silver and other chattels were handed to the council on their disbandment in 1908 for ‘safekeeping until the militia is reformed’; after 110 years the county council have decided it is probably not going to be reformed!
The Museum web site is up and running and includes a monthly interest feature and an account of what the Herefords were doing 100 years ago that month during WW1. This latter ‘post’ is attracting much positive comment. If you haven’t done already – please take a look!
Attendance at the Friends’ AGM in October was down slightly, but those attending were treated to a most excellent presentation by Maj Mick Atkinson on the Battle of Waterloo. One attendee was heard to say that he now (after an undisclosed number of years!) understood what had happened at Waterloo!
The Museum also, for the  rst time put on a display at the Orders and Medals Research Society Annual Conference which attracted much interest. The Museum also featured on the BBC’s Celebrity Antique Road Show when Jules Hudson and Phillip Surrell were briefed by the Curator.
The Coronation Street Lining Party before leaving Hereford for London
An extract of the Movement Order for the Coronation of 1937
The label plate and items from the Herefordshire Militia Of cers’ Mess Dinner Service – unfortunately after 110 years not all of it has survived!
Herefordshire Home Guard Mounted Section

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