Page 270 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 270

The 33rd annual reunion of the SCLI, LI & RIFLES took place on Saturday 22nd April 2017at the Lawns Social Club, Taunton. It drew a large gathering of former Light Infantrymen who travelled from all parts of the UK; for some it was their  rst time. A number of others had not attended for several years and it was good to welcome both new and old alike. We are still not attracting as many Ri emen as we would like but that may change in future years.
This year a greater number of buglers, all members of The Buglers Association of The Light Division & Ri es, were present. During the evening they gave a long display, incorporating their new sound system. CD’s of Regimental Marches were played accom- panied by their bugling. It was a delight to all and will
be a feature of future reunions.
Debbie Hards from The Ri es Of ce Taunton, ably
assisted by her friend Candy Janes, was present. They organised a shop with an ever increasing variety of Regimental items. Trade throughout the evening was brisk. The superb buffet prepared by the Club Caterer, Liz Harris was thoroughly enjoyed by all and rightly deserved its praise. Thanks were also conveyed to the bar staff who did sterling work all evening.
The con rmed date for the reunion next year, as arranged by Lawrie Hodges, is Saturday 21st April 2018. Please put the date in your diary now; we look forward to seeing you.
Taunton Branch
The Branch Annual Dinner is held each year on the Saturday immediately before Remembrance Sunday. It was well attended by members and their guests with 93 attendees at Taunton’s Rugby Club. Our principal guest this year was the Lord Lieutenant of Somerset, Mrs Anne Maw. The next day the Branch was well represented at all Taunton Remembrance events. On Armistice Day, Chris Hindley a Branch member, gave the Exhortation at the Civic Service held around the Regimental Burma Memorial. Dave Thomas and Roy Chubb laid the Regimental Wreath.
December saw our very popular Christmas lunch held again at Taunton Rugby Club. This year we exceeded 100 attendees and are delighted that both Bath and Norton Radstock Branches support it so well. The next event of importance was the Jellalabad Lunch held on Sunday 9th April 2017. This again was a great success. It was great to see new faces: Robert and Tessa Cox joined us from Farnham; Richard Chetwynd Stapylton whose grandfather was a subaltern at Jellalabad; and, David and Rosie Farrant were all among the diners who enjoyed a band display by the Silver Bugles before lunch.
The branch laid on a coach to take members and their guests to the Reception and Beating Retreat by the Band of the Parachute Regiment held at the Royal Bath & West Show. This was quickly followed by a coach trip to Weymouth to take part in the Annual Veterans Parade marking Armed Forces Day. The weather was very hot but those members who marched enjoyed their pint at the end of the Parade! The next event was the Dedication of The Book of Remembrance, reported on elsewhere. We now look forward to our summer bar b que on 12th August and a visit to the National Memorial Arboretum in September.
Our thanks go to Jimmy and Sigrid Durant for ensuring that the  owers in the Regimental Corner of St Mary’s are always fresh and well-watered. Special praise to our secretary Lawrie Hodges for his organ- isation of our monthly meetings and administering the postal members section of the branch.
Somerset Light Infantry – Malayan Reunion
On Saturday 29th April 2017, veterans of the Somerset Light Infantry, who served in Malaya between 1952 and 1955, gathered at the Lawns Social Club in Taunton for their annual reunion. The reunion was hosted by the Taunton Branch of the Ri es & Light Infantry Association.
The veterans had travelled from all over the country as well as Thailand and Malaya to be there. Very quickly old friends found each other and exchanged the latest information on family and friends. Among the many regulars present was Mr Paul Beaumont, the son of Sgt Raymond Beaumont who was one of those killed in action in Malaya while serving with the Somerset Light Infantry. Most years Paul comes on his own, but on this occasion he brought his mother, Dorothy Beaumont, as well as his wife and sister; the veterans were delighted to see them all. The veterans have always held the bereaved families in the highest esteem and so Dorothy’s presence was duly celebrated. To mark the occasion Dorothy was presented with a “Somerset Light Infantry” drinking mug to match the clock she received last year.
Also present was Gordon MacQuistan. Gordon came home with the 1st Battalion, Somerset Light Infantry in 1955 before returning in 1956 to become a Rubber Planter. He liked it there and decided to stay. Gordon was also presented with a “Somerset Light Infantry” drinking mug to match the one he received on his last visit in 2014. Meanwhile Peter Batt travelled from Thailand to be with his ex-army mates; he also received a presentation for his commitment to the reunion.
Thanks were expressed to all members of the Taunton Branch of the Ri es & Light Infantry Association who work so hard to make the evening the success. In particular the ladies of the Branch work tirelessly throughout the year attending the  owers in the Regimental Corner of St Mary Magdalene Church in Taunton. The veterans also expressed their appreciation for the help and support they receive from the Ri es Of ce, Taunton. A big thank you was given to the of ce staff, past and present and thanks was given to Debbie Hards who ran the Regimental Shop that night. Many purchased regimental items enabling them to be correctly dressed at Remembrance.
The veterans were also most grateful to the staff of the Lawns Social Club who did everything possible to make them feel at home. They provided an excellent buffet, appreciated by all. The delicious beef and chicken curries brought back memories to the veterans of the jungle. Cooking on patrol, for all sorts of reasons, was seldom simple but always rewarding! Time  ies when enjoying good company and a glass of your favourite tipple. All too soon the evening was over and promises renewed to keep in touch and attend the reunion next year. This is provisionally booked for Saturday 28th April 2018, at the Lawns Social Club, Taunton. Any former members of the Somerset Light Infantry who would like to attend please contact Jim Durant on 01823 275787.

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