Page 284 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 284
ADAMS, Gordon – Gordon sadly passed away on 29 May 2017 aged 83. Gordon was an active member of the Association and was for a time the Standard Bearer for the Pontefract branch and was the rst to parade the Standard. Mr Colin Cranswick was the Standard Bearer.
AUSTIN, Richard - Richard passed away on 22 Nov 16. Richard’s family tell us that Richard served with the Light Infantry Volunteers in Wake eld during the 70’s. He was a Corporal possibly in B Coy. The service was attended by members of the Association.
BATLEY, Austin – Late KOYLI – Austin sadly passed away on 25 October 2016 aged 78. Austin served his National Service with the KOYLI in Aden, Cyprus and Germany. After leaving the Army Austin did various jobs before starting his own successful business.
DUXBURY, William Harry – Late KOYLI – Sadly passed away on 9 April 2017. Funeral was held at Dewsbury crematorium on 28 April 2017.
EDWARDS, Harold (Eddie) – Harold ‘Eddie’ Edwards Late KOYLI/2LI sadly passed away on 3 Jun 2017. The funeral service took place on Thursday 6th July at Rosehill Cemetary in Doncaster. The Bugler, Standard Bearer and Association members were in attendance.
HARRISON-TOPHAM, Richard Charles Harrison (Dick), Captain TD – Late KOYLI died on 6th October 2016. He had a strong reason to join the KOYLI. His father known to all as “Mouse” commanded both 6 KOYLI and then 1/4 KOYLI in World War 2. On retirement he was regimental secretary. So it was inevitable that Dick should do his National Service with 1 KOYLI in Berlin in 1952/3. He then joined 4 KOYLI reaching the rank of Captain. He was a well-liked of cer with great charm.
His family had land in Coverdale near Leyburn and many of his fellow of cers enjoyed shooting there.
HOLMES, Harry – Late 2LI – Harry sadly passed away on 14 Oct 16. The County Of ce learned of the funeral in Lytham.
HUTCHINSON, Albert – 14096464 – Albert Hutchinson Late KOYLI from Seacroft Leeds passed away 26th Sep 2016. The service was held on Fri 7 Oct at Lawnswood Crematorium. Regimental Standard and Bugler were in attendance.
KILBURN, Eddie – Late 2KOYLI Band – Eddie sadly passed away on 1 Dec 2016. Eddie left the Regiment in Berlin.
LEACH, Roy – 23674483 – Late KOYLI - Roy passed away suddenly on 14 December 2016 after contracting a chest infection aged 80.
McGEE, Ike – 2370120 -. Ike passed away at home on the 19th October 2016.
The service was held on 1st Nov 16 at Rosehill Crematorium. Messrs Pete Bate sounded Last Post and Reveille, Tim Humphreys and Brian Clayton carried KOYLI Standards.
McGOWAN, Hughie – Late KOYLI – Hughie sadly passed away on 10 February 2017 at the age of 91. The family were put in touch with the County Of ce following a newspaper article in the Wake eld Express which generated a number of phone calls to the Association Secretary.
McSEVENEY, Ian – Late 3LI - Ian McSeveney (late 3LI) died on Sunday 9 October 2016, aged 66. Ian’s funeral took place on Monday 24 October 2016 at Pontefract Crematorium, Pontefract.
MILLS, Albert E – 23697034 – Late KOYLI - Bert sadly passed away on 23 Sep 2016 whilst on holiday in Tenerife. service was conducted at Barnsley Crematorium on Wednesday 26 Oct 2016. Pete Bate sounded Last Post and Reveille, Colin Ward gave the exhaltion.
MUSGREAVE, Barry – Barry passed away on 5th September 2016 aged 78. His funeral was held at Dewsbury Moor Crematorium of 16th September 2016
Barry joined the KOYLI as a Bandsman during his National Service remaining for a few years more at the end of his period of National Service. Barry was very much a family man and loved his music. He was popular in his local community and his local Working Mens’ Club where he become the Club’s President. He leaves behind his wife, Margaret, his son and daughter, Steven and Dawn.
PRICE, Edward Lloyd, Major, MBE – Late KOYLI/ RASC/RAOC - Major (Retd) Price passed away on Sunday 27th November. He was an ex KOYLI having joined the army at age 13yrs as a band-boy, sent to India at 14yrs prior to his going into man-service.
He was born in 1917 and served with 2nd Battalion in Burma being present at the Sittang Bridge incident in 1942; swimming the river on February 23rd which was his 25th birthday and making his way back to troop lines. After the war he served with the RASC and later RAOC where he gained a commission and nished his service aged 55yrs in 1972 having attained the rank of Major.
He was a Yorkshireman, born in Kel eld and lived in the Stilling eet, Kel eld, Wistow area prior to enlisting when he was orphaned and lodged with his eldest brother. On retirement he lived in Wistow and later Selby prior to moving to a Care Home in Pocklington. His widow, still resides at the William Wilberforce Care Home in Pocklington, Yorkshire.
ROSSER, Harold (Gordy) – Late SCLI,1LI, 6LI - Gordon Rosser served with the SCLI, 1LI and 6LI, ending his service as a Colour Serjeant. He passed away after a short illness, on 13th November 2016 aged 75.
LOWE, Neil – Neil Campbell formerly (LOWE) passed away on Sat 20 Jan 2017. His son, Gordon, writes “my father was a very proud man who loved to inform everyone of his service to the Queen with KOYLI. During his career he served in KENYA, ADEN and CYPRUS”. Gordon also wrote “it would be the ultimate send off for this Ex Military man who never a day went by without him mentioning his proud service with the Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry”.