Page 56 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 56

The Freedom of Ladysmith, South Africa
In late 2016 The Ri es received an invitation from the Alfred Duma Local Municipality of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, to accept the Freedom of Ladysmith which would be presented to repre- sentatives of The Ri es at a parade in June 2017. The Regiment duly accepted the honour and noti ed the Authority that a delegation of Ri emen would represent the Regiment at the Freedom Parade, as well as participating in a number of associated events at the 2017 Ladysmith Battle-  elds Festival. Ladysmith played a role in the Anglo-Zulu wars of the 19th century but is more widely known for being at the centre of one of the de ning periods of the Second Anglo-Boer War,
the Siege and Relief of Ladysmith, a four and half month protracted campaign at the turn of the 20th century. Commemorating the campaign is of particular signi cance to The Ri es as most of our antecedent regiments participated in and distinguished themselves either as part of the besieged force or the relieving forces. From 2nd to 15th June 2017, 19 Ri emen from 2 RIFLES travelled to South Africa. From Johannesburg the team undertook a seven hour drive to Durban which was to be our base for a week prior to the parade. The theme of the week in Durban was to undertake pursuits that took the Ri emen out of their comfort zones. The group began by spending a day sur ng Durban’s famous waves, and was followed by a trip to the Oribi Gorge, in the hills to the south of Durban, where Ri emen were invited to face their fears and take on the gorge swing, leaping off a 180 metre cliff into the gorge below.
In between these adventures, Captain Swindells and Ri eman Kelly visited Cape Town to strengthen Regimental alliances with The Cape Town Ri es (Duke’s). The rigours of a very early morning  ight were soothed by the wonderful experience of being whisked away from Cape Town Airport to some of Stellenbosch’s  nest wineries to discuss Regimental links and learn more about our hosts. Later that evening we attended a function at the Castle of Good Hope, the original Dutch fortress in the centre of the city, and reaf rmed the strong connections between the two units.
Sur ng in Durban
The Regimental Secretary, Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) John Poole-Warren MBE, the Mayor of the Alfred
Duma Local Municipality, Councillor Vincent Madlala, and Ri emen representing The Ri es following the awarding
of the Freedom of Entry of Ladysmith to The Ri es

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