Page 67 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 67
The Of cers’ Mess
The 2 RIFLES Of cers’ Mess continues to thrive with a full programme of marquee events throughout the year, and the livers-in indulging in many unof cial events which are probably best not committed to paper! This is creditable giving the myriad of exercises, cadres, and operations that the battalion has been committed to but no matter how small the number, 2 RIFLES of cers continue to be the beating heart of the Lisburn Station mess. Even with time in short supply the Mess have immersed themselves into life in Ireland with ‘cultural’ trips to Galway and Dublin, as well as supporting the Ulster Rugby team.
Christmas saw a Regency themed ball, making full use of the Mess’s period features. Particular credit must go to Lieutenant George Gillard and Lieutenant Gavin Knox for their lovingly produced period portraits of certain Mess members.
On the 1st February 2017, the Mess celebrated The Ri es 10th anniversary with a lavish Regimental dinner, feasting on a Regimentally themed menu, including a Somerset cider braised ham hock terrine and beef Wellington in a South African red wine jus, washed down with an excellent 10 year old Rioja. Afterwards the Mess were entertained by the subalterns re-enactment on what they thought took place during that fateful meeting of the antecedent Regiments a decade ago, with Lieutenant Kenji Ara marking himself out as a potential Broadway star.
As well as a Ladies dinner night in November, the Mess also held a Bugle Breakfast to mark the D-Day Anniversary, with 2nd Lieutenant Timo Slack putting in a worryingly convincing perfor- mance as a German solider during the mid-meal entertainment.
After some initial confusion over the title (Cuba, Crisis/Escape to the land of the free/ America in the 1980s), the Summer Ball was an immense success, with nearly 200 people in attendance. The subalterns, expertly led by Captain Rob Prince, managed to recreate an ‘authentic’ Cuban reception, complete with a Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, before a journey into mainland America. Highlights included various Mess members trying, and failing, to learn to Samba, as well as some highly inventive fancy dress, even if Of cer Commanding Headquarter Company decided to wear the same as the Commanding Of cer!
Over the last year there have been a number of people posted in and out of the battalion. In particular the Mess welcomed for the rst time Majors Jules Kilpatrick, Joe Murray, Aaron West and Dave Youngs; Captains Jayne Donaghue, Andy Kuss and John Pepper; and Lieutenants Mark Bennett, Phil Williams, Timo Slack, Chris Kelk and Dave Williams. It also said a fond ( nal) farewell to Majors Jonathon and Sarah Flynn, Andy Donovan, and Bob Atherden. Sarah Flynn in particular thanked for all the efforts she has put in with the wives to support the Mess over the last year.
Major David Macklin,
President of the Mess Committee
Major Jules Kilpatrick, the Battalion 2IC, found the Exercise Rattlesnake planning conference
in Hawaii particularly demanding
There was an eclectic approach to the brief on dress adopted by many of the junior of cers for the summer ball