Page 68 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 68
The Warrant Of cers’ and Serjeants’ Mess
With the arrival of the new Regimental Serjeant Major WO1 Rob Parsons (‘Snips to some Sir to most’) the mess has made signi cant progress for life as a RIFLES mess member. Ethos, traditions, history and etiquette the driving force in the vast improvement made possible by working hand in hand with, and from having the backing and support of, the new Garrison Serjeant Major WO1 Al Green RIFLES. This has helped signi - cantly in the transition of living within a combined Station mess. The mess has made some signi cant improvements to the social- ising areas: a new lick of paint, redistribution of presentations, history and traditions bringing the mess forward into the modern era, whilst also maintaining a link to the past and proud history of the Mess and former members.
Over the past few months the Mess has hosted numerous functions. The rst one, after the appointment of WO1 RSM Parsons was that to dine out and say farewell to Major Chris Lamb MBE (OC Headquarter Company) - a Ri eman through and through. Everyone in the mess has the upmost respect for him and he has supported us all in many ways; his contribution to the Battalion and Regiment cannot be underestimated. It was the Mess’s honour to present Major Lamb with a Baker Ri e, particu- larly as: “it was the rst ri e he achieved on”!
Christmas 2016 saw 2 RIFLES take the lead on the Station Mess Christmas Ball; at the helm was WO2 ‘Shaz’ Sharrock along with his elf committee. The function was planned and delivered to perfection, and was a massive hit for all station mess members - de nitely one of the best since our move from Ballykinler.
“10 Years - haven’t they own by!” The 1st of February 2017 was a signi cant day for us all with the Mess celebrating The Ri es 10 year anniversary with a Bugle Breakfast attended by the Regimental Secretary, Lt Col (Retd) JA Poole-Warren MBE. The breakfast was a traditional full English or continental breakfast in the format of a regimental dinner. The celebrations continued across the companies throughout the day with the mess recon- vening in the bar later that night to ring the bell, pull up a sandbag, swing the lantern and listen to dits with the occasional banter of a bomb being dropped by Colour Serjeant ‘H’ Hensby!
Over the past year the mess has said its farewells and welcomed a few mess members. In June 2017 we dined out WO2 Danny ‘loves a 10 miler’ Broughton on posting and promotion to WO1 RSM. This was done in in full regimental tradition with his bugle presentation attended by some honoured quests from 4 RIFLES. We also said farewell to fellow Ri emen: WO2 Greenwood, WO2 Scott, WO2 Metcalf, CSjt Walker, CSjt Perrott, CSjt Waldron CSjt Eastwood, CSjt McMullan, CSjt Heslam, Sjt Kirlew, Sjt Powell and Bugle Major Martin. Welcomed to the mess were WO2 Bramham, WO2 Bannon, WO2 Long, WO2 Bell, CSjt Stewart, CSjt Kirkham, CSjt Copeland, Sjt Barry, Sjt Fairnington, Sjt Deacon, Sjt Hunt, Sjt Gray, Sjt Burr, Sjt Ainsworth and Bugle Major Perfect.
The mess continues to develop and demonstrate its robustness, focusing on leadership and development of all junior commanders and soldiers. The mess’s constant strive for perfection has been demonstrated with the physical changes made within the Mess its self, and a strong identity is now in place; but we will and must continue to move forward as a station mess developing and shaping for the future. Swift and Bold!
WO2 Daz Neal, President of the Mess Committee
“10 YEARS -