Page 70 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 70
Commanding Of cer’s Introduction
The winds of change blow frequently across WESSEX STORM 4/16 as part of the 3 SCOTS
the Pentland Hills to 3 RIFLES. The battalion is no stranger to change having faced a number of roles, tasks and brigades over the past 12 months. From re-subordinations, multiple opera- tional deployments, Defence Engagement across the globe, short-term training teams and overseas training exercises, re-rolling of capability and the regional point of contact with Scotland, it has been a fascinating period. Over the past twelve months 3 RIFLES has commenced conversion to Light Mechanized Infantry, utilising the Foxhound vehicle, before switching to (Heavy) Mechanized Infantry (Mastiff). These changes were a result of the Army 2020Re ne programme and in particular the reorganisation of the infantry. With 4 RIFLES transitioning to a Specialist Infantry Battalion, 3 RIFLES assumed the Mechanised Infantry role within 1 Armoured Infantry Brigade and the Third Division.
With change, however, comes opportunity and fresh challenge that ampli es and demonstrates the essence of a Ri eman; adaptable, resilient, professional and trusted. The battalion has under- taken the full spectrum of frontline military tasks and deployments. A Company completed Ex
Light Mechanized Battle Group, providing the ‘dismounted mass’, to undertake operations in complex and urban terrain. A Company subse- quently, and at very short-notice, deployed to Kuwait to undertake Ex EAGLES RESOLVE, a Defence Engagement activity delivered as a joint overseas training exercise. B Company completed a full conversion to Light Mechanized Infantry in the Foxhound vehicle with C Company re-forming to create a new concept ISTAR (Intel- ligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance) Company. Although short- lived this provided the battalion exposure to new concepts and doctrine for future army capabilities. The Battalion Headquarters even got in on the act by completing further Defence Engagement through the conduct of Ex DESERT WARRIOR 2, a two-week Command-Post Exercise operating in the middle of the Saudi Arabian desert as part of the Royal Saudi Land Forces 7th Brigade. Short-term training teams have become somewhat of a speciality for the battalion with a constant ow of deployments to the Gulf, Middle-East and Africa.
A Company training EX WESSEX STORM