Page 79 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 79
A simulated casualty being extracted during Exercise Bold Bugle
Exercise BOLD BUGLE took place in Kirkcudbright Training Area and at Warcop Ranges through May and Jun 2017. The aim of the exercise was to achieve platoon and company level dry training and section Day and Night Live Firing Tactical Training (LFTT). It was delivered through a series of company rotations between the two training area: 4 days dry training within the rural and complex terrain of Kirkcudbright and Dalbeattie and a 6 day live ring package from individual Close Quarter Battle Ranges up to more complex Section Attack Ranges.
The exercise was executed at a key period for the battalion. Following A2020 Re ne changes, 3 RIFLES were no longer converting to Light Mechanised Infantry. This resulted in the removal of planned exercises and training events with the battalion forced to change its ORBAT for the second time since August 2016. New teams were formed within each section, platoon and company therefore training that enabled team cohesion and the foundations for building success was required. There was a need to adjust the objectives of the exercise and to use it as an opportunity to set the baseline training level across the battalion. Never underestimate the importance of the chance for platoons to train together; mounted Foxhound vehicle ranges were cancelled and more dismounted ranges were included.
Each company deployed for a period of 10 days in total. BHQ staff provided oversight and orchestrated the training. During the rst week of Ex BOLD BUGLE Operation TEMPERER was activated which saw the battalion deploying 20 personnel from B Company to various sites within Scotland in response to the Manchester terrorist attack. The battalion was able to absorb the impact with only 6 Platoon unable to complete its dry training.
Ex BOLD BUGLE allowed section and platoon commanders some invaluable and protected time with their Ri emen. They had the opportunity to train, teach and develop the more junior Ri emen that had recently arrived from the Infantry Training Centre Catterick as well as integrate the new Ri emen that had just arrived from 4 RIFLES. Ex BOLD BUGLE achieved its aims and has set the baseline for future training on the battalion’s new path towards Mechanised Infantry. 3 RIFLES will shortly deploy on its next exercise, Ex BUGLE STORM that will see the battalion progress its training in line with the 1 Armoured Infantry Brigades objective of achieving ‘Advanced War- ghting’ excellence within the complex environment. Capt Alex Perry, Operations Of cer