Page 80 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 80

3 Ri es shooting team
Shooting Team
The 3 RIFLES Shooting Team was given the  all 18 stone of LCpl Fordham were set and ready for
challenge of competing in the 51 Bde, 1 Div and Army Operational Shooting Competitions (OSCs). Historically renowned for our marksmanship prowess, as Ri emen, we set our sights on being the top regular team at the 51Bde OSC and then to  nish as high as possible at the 1Div OSC in order to qualify for the Army OSC held at Bisley.
A number of obstacles stood in our way that would need to be overcome in order to succeed in this endeavour. Not least was the busy schedule of the battalion as can be seen from the other articles herein. The shooting team commenced training with the 51Bde OSC looming less than a month ahead. Range time was vital to success, but this was heavily complemented with conceptual training off the  ring point. Revising theoretical aspects and carefully memorising shoots was essential if we were to perform well.
Despite last minute team changes due to other commitments, the team arrived in Barry Buddon champing at the bit and hungry to bring home some silverware. This was one of the last events 3 RIFLES would participate in within 51Bde before our re-sub- ordination to 1Bde, so the team were determined to leave in style. Stalwart OSC teams with years of experience faced off against us, con dent that prior experience would see them easily overcome our relatively novice team. The competition culminated in the illustrious Falling Plate Competition. With units circling the scoring tent just to catch a glimpse of where they may have placed, Scottish temperatures soaring in to the low twenties and a wind blowing strong enough to knock half the plates down for you, four Chosen Men lined up at the 300m  ring point. Sjt Mark ‘I’m too old for this’ Wallace, LCpl ‘Face of the Ri es’ Foley, Rfn ‘Deadshot’ Lyall and
action. At the sound of the  rst puff of the bagpipe (a Fighting 51st Brigade tradition), they hurtled down range, knocking down all targets in the fastest quali- fying time. The Chosen Men knocked out several competitors in this dead heat event and despite a valiant effort were pipped to the post by the experi- enced 32 Signals Reserve Regiment. The 3 RIFLES team was placed overall 1st Regular unit - mission accomplished.
The team then arrived at the 1Div OSC in the Spartan facilities of Wathgill Camp, Catterick. This competition saw tougher shoots and some excep- tional competition who had dedicated signi cant time to ensuring they took home gold. Despite all this, the 3 RIFLES team again shot excellently,  nishing a commendable 4th behind two teams from 4 RIFLES and one RGR team, all of whom demonstrated the exceptional standard that can be achieved through dedication, hard work, and time spent training. Importantly, this excellent result meant the 3 RIFLES team had quali ed for the Army OSC.
The calling of Op TEMPERER ensured that the team weren’t over trained for the  nal hurdle that was Bisley. The team were mentally prepared for the challenge ahead and after a quick check zero on arrival, we were ready. The event was challenging, rewarding and educational. Each member took away individual and collective shooting lessons that will bene t the wider battalion.
LCpl Foley, who shot exceptionally across all three competitions, was rewarded for his efforts by a place in the Bisley 100 – an exceptional achievement. The team will continue to build on the hard work of 2017 and improve for next year. Bring on Bisley 18!
Lt Dave Poole, 2IC C Coy

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