Page 95 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 95
Royal Colonel HRH The Duchess Of
Cornwall Visit Homecoming Parade
The 4th Battalion has enjoyed a cherished of Cornwall having to be sheltered by an umbrella
relationship with our Royal Colonel, The Duchess of Cornwall. Over the years this has seen numerous visits to the unit, but her work with those injured during Operational Tours of Afghanistan and Iraq cemented the bond between HRH The Duchess of Cornwall and the Ri emen. Therefore it seemed obvious that she would attend the 4 RIFLES homecoming parade on 27th February 2017.
The winter deployment to Iraq saw the unit split with 250 Ri emen deployed and 450 remaining in Aldershot to carry out vital tasks in the UK. This saw a great number of families separated over the festive period and the decision to hold a families day alongside the parade was welcomed by all. The news of the Battalions upcoming conversion to Specialised Infantry added poignancy to the event, as many would be moving out of the Battalion in our new smaller composition. Equally it would be one of the last major events for our then Commanding Of cer, Lt. Colonel Boswell and the RSM, WO1 Rafferty MC.
Having persuaded the Scots Guards to allow us to run riot on their parade square with our 140 steps per minute quick time and bugles sounding, the Bugle Major sounded the advance. 500 Ri emen marched onto the square in front of a packed stand, which included not only the families, but also those in the local community who had supported the Battalion during our deployment and our time in Aldershot. The weather was not on our side, with The Duchess
during her inspection. Given the downpour, it is a testament to her devotion to the Ri emen in that she spoke to each and every soldier giving them her full attention throughout. Having completed the inspection and the march past, the Battalion formed up for the double off. Despite only having a short time to rehearse the fears of heads bobbing out of time was avoided and even the Adjutant, to the surprise of all present, managed to stay in time. The site of 500 Ri emen doubling off in perfect harmony was greeted by applause from all and most certainly showed the Scots Guards that you don’t have to wear a red coat to excel on the parade square.
As the skies cleared the families day got underway. The sight of bouncy castles, a petting zoo, entertainers and a BBQ was met with delight from the children and families. HRH The Duchess of Cornwall took the opportunity to speak to all, once again showing the importance of the Ri emen to her. Of particular note was WO2 (Sjt Major) John Bolan, who bought in a hand written letter from The Duchess of Cornwall that he had received when he was injured in Afghanistan, for some unknown reason the accompanying bottle of whiskey seems to have been misplaced! This long running intimate relationship is one we as a Battalion know will be taken into the future and will be repeated in the years to come.
Capt S Burton
Her Highness, The Duchess of Cornwall, speaks to a Ri eman about his experiences on Op SHADER 3.5 during the welcome home parade