Page 97 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 97
The Welfare Of ce
2017 has seen our Ri emen and their families transition through a dif cult and challenging period of uncertainty. We have been adapting to our Specialised Infantry role whilst in many cases still being deployed on operations. Our Ri emen and their families have been positive and receptive to change whilst accepting the fact that many will leave the Aldershot Garrison to our wider RIFLES family.
Despite these challenges we have maintained an activities routine and continued to organise a variety of local events. Coffee mornings, bingo and karaoke evenings, pizza nights, Easter party bouncing in Gravity Force trampoline world and the Battalion Sports Day and BBQ meant we have kept occupied thus far. Many of the activ- ities have been whilst the Ri emen have been away from home and extra funding has made the supporting activities a lot easier and more diverse to suit all ages. To make sure those deployed have not missed all the fun we coordinated as many as possible whilst they were home (much to their dismay, especially when sporting xtures were on the TV)!
Carillion Amey’s (CA) performance within our South East area has improved immensely. Constant liaison has resulted in some signi cant improvements to their service with compensation measures put in place if things go wrong. Fortu- nately there has been a welcomed break for both our of ce and CA from previous boiler and damp issues with the warmer weather now here!
4 RIFLES were already busy before our change arrived. It is with great pride we conduct our busy 2017 with a mix of well-established and recently
arrived families who will clearly make the most of Aldershot and its close proximity to London. As I type, summer leave is almost upon us and will be a well-earned break for all. The Garrison and Army Welfare Service have a huge amount of club activ- ities, adventure breaks, and local trips planned to ensure we continue to feel fully embraced by the local community. Thorpe Park, London Eye, Hamleys, Sea World, Poppy Pod Village and Madame Tussauds are now regular visits for all of us, much to the dismay of many parents! Two years ago we were beginning to conduct the unit move from Bulford and once again some of us are moving onwards. After a well-earned summer leave and supporting relocation we will continue to provide support activities to families who will be looking forward to another busy Xmas period in Oxford Street before the Easter Eggs arrive even faster than this year.
Capt Steve Dickson, Unit Welfare Of cer
The band strikes up to keep the Winchester Parade Inspection ticking along nicely
CGS inspects the Winchester parade stopping to chat with his Ri emen