Page 33 - QARANC Vol 18 No 1 2020
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                                few basic constituents of gin and then introduced us to the variety of botanicals that are used in the production of the different flavours, followed by a taster session of two of the most popular Beefeater varieties. These samples were undiluted which prompted a bit of face pulling and the odd comment as taste buds were shocked into life, but never say that our members are not game for a challenge.
The next stage of our tour consisted of a visit to the area containing the actual stills, some original, one of which remains in daily use today. We learnt about the technical side of gin production which was then followed by the part that many had been looking forward to. This was a visit to the bar for the practical part of the tour, where we enjoyed a full size, very tasty glass of Beefeater gin and tonic, of course all in the interest of research.
Our visit concluded in the shop much to the delight of many of the members who could be seen leaving clutching their bags of booty before dispersing in all directions with happy smiles upon their faces. Some didn’t get too far however as Marcie
very kindly provided vouchers which entitled us to ‘two for one’ offers for Beefeater cocktails in the pub where we had enjoyed lunch.
Big thanks must go to Christine Duchemin for arranging the visit and cheers to the next time!
Karen Eifflaender Branch Member
Millbank Branch Christmas Lunch 2019
The Millbank Branch Christmas lunch seems to grow in numbers every year. Approximately seventy people attended in early December. The view of London from the 29th floor of Guy’s Tower was as fascinating as ever and the food excellent.
If you can judge a party from the noise level, then it was clear that everyone was pleased to catch up with old friends and meet new people. Laughter and the banter that goes with any military group was there for all to enjoy. The tombola and the raffle were a huge success thanks to the generosity of those who
contributed items and bought tickets. Our guest of honour was Una Cleminson who served as a Nursing Officer in 306 Field Hospital (V) and is now the first female National Chairman of the Royal British Legion. To those who know Una she is a quiet force. She uses the communication skills she has honed as a palliative care nurse to make things happen. In her presentation she outlined the work of the Royal British Legion and the hard decisions it will face in the future. Emily Pankhurst would have been proud of her commitment to ensure more women play a leading
role in the organisation!
Chris Eberhardie Branch Member
Christmas lunch – Una Cleminson back row middle; Lindi Kibbey front right
The Gazette QARANC Association
Chair: Caroline Whittaker Secretary: Rosy Hubbard
This year we have welcomed in new members to our Branch and have supported members who have not been well. We have kept in touch and visited them in their homes.
On the social side we have been particularly busy. Activities began in June with a lovely afternoon tea and tour of their beautiful gardens hosted by one of our members. July saw a summer ramble which was planned with two elements. Those that could, walked up a hill to gain a wonderful 360 degree view of the Brecon Beacons, while those who could not or did not want to walk, toured a local garden centre, which by all accounts was fantastic. We then all met up for a superb lunch in Talybont. In
Julie Coxell and Ann Evans take turns at the tiller
August we had another one of our wonderful lunches at Usk castle, it was a very jolly affair, fabulous food and we were serenaded by a singing duo, who were extremely funny. The weather again was very kind and we had a great turnout, raising welcome funds for the
branch. In September we hired a small narrow boat (day boat) on the Monmouth/Brecon Canal and members had the opportunity to take the ‘tiller’ and luckily the weather held out for us.
We held our AGM in October with an update on the development of the Museum of Military Medicine, in Cardiff, by the Chair Colonel Phil Hubbard. We are all very excited by the project.
November saw members attend the Festival of Remembrance in Cardiff. Towards the end of the year we held our Christmas lunch and were delighted that Colonel Alison McCourt, Chief Nursing Officer (Army) could join us and we wish her well at the end of her tenure.
Our final event was a candlelit tour of Tredegar House and we gained an insight into its fascinating history. The next key event we will be planning for is Corps day on the 29th of March.
Diana McCrea Vice Chair Welsh Branch

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