Page 34 - QARANC Vol 18 No 1 2020
P. 34

                                32 The Gazette QARANC Association
 Northern Ireland Branch
Chair: Nuala Green
 BMH Munster Visit
At the beginning of 2019 a number of past members of the QARANC and RAMC got together to discuss the possibility of arranging a trip ‘down memory lane’. A decision was made to take a reunion trip to the old BMH Munster, Germany, where everyone at one point in their careers, had been stationed.
All arrangements were made and thirteen of us set off at end of November and flew to Germany.
When we visited the hospital, it felt like we were stepping back in time as the memories of our time there came flooding back. Many of the old hospital buildings still stood, although the hospital has now been given back to Germany.
As well as visiting the old hospital many of us visited the town and although it had grown in size due to the student population, much of it looked the same. We also visited the Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas Market) which was beautiful, so Christmassy with lovely stalls and shops selling all sorts of Christmas goods, the Glühwein was particularly good!
The visit was emotional and memorable, everyone thoroughly enjoyed the experience, meeting up over lunches and dinners to reminisce and to reunite with old friends and comrades as well as making new friends.
Many thanks to Jan Foster who organised everything
Linda Reed
The group outside the previous BMH Munster
  Gatsby and gansgter Molls enjoy the fun at Lisburn Station
Steam and Jazz
Once again it was all aboard the Steam and Jazz train on the lovely summer evening of 23 August 2019. The Northern Ireland Branch, consisting of sixteen Association members and friends joined the Railway Preservation Society’s Steam and Jazz night. This is now an annual event for the Association.
Many of the group dressed for the occasion in 1920’s Gatsby and Gangster Moll attire.
Starting in Belfast with the jazz band on board, the vintage steam train stopped at Lisburn, Whitehead and Carrickfergus stations.
At each stop the band alighted to play music with many joining in enthusiastically by dancing on the platform.
Branch Chair Nuala Green had organised the carriage seating where members and friends enjoyed an abundance of food and beverages while chatting and catching up, as well as enjoying the surroundings whizzing past. A great night was had by everyone.
Helen Purvis
The vintage steam train en-route! Mirror, mirror on the wall; who is the fairest of them all?

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