Page 36 - QARANC Vol 18 No 1 2020
P. 36

                                 34 The Gazette QARANC Association
   (L to R) Lt Col Caroline Whittaker, Lt Col Marilyn Williams and Col Kevin Davies Lt Col George Royle
The Royal Red Cross and The Order of St John
2020 marks the WHO International Year of the Nurse and Midwife and 12 May will mark 200 years since the birth of Florence Nightingale.
Queen Victoria instigated the award of the Royal Red Cross by Royal Warrant on the 27 April 1883 in order to recognise the contribution of dedication and excellence in nursing. Nightingale was the first nurse recipient (number seven) after Queen Victoria and the Royal Ladies, with the Princess of Wales (later Queen Alexandra) number one on the list. Nightingale was also a member of the Most Venerable Order of St John.
Royal Red Cross Register
At the Priory of St John in Wales we have identified five nurses who have been recognised in this way. Interestingly they are all reservists and between them have accumulated over 200 years of nursing!
They are in turn: Lieutenant Colonel Simon Davies, Lieutenant Colonel Marilyn Williams, Lieutenant Colonel Caroline Whittaker, Lieutenant Colonel George Royle and Colonel Kevin Davies.
Colonel Kevin Davies
Lt Col Simon Davies
   Note: The Register of the Royal Red Cross is held at the National Archives, Kew. A copy is available to view at the Museum of Military Medicine, Keogh Barracks.
  Private Winpenny with veteran Bettina Wood from Millbank Branch
Field of Remembrance Westminster Abbey – 7 November 2019
The Field of Remembrance was a significant and purposeful experience which I was honoured to attend and represent QARANC student nurses at the service in Westminster Abbey.
As a nearly qualified nurse it was a wonderful opportunity to meet many of the QA veterans and grasp an insight into their time and involvement with the Corps over the past decades.
Private Helen Winpenny Student Nurse

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