Page 17 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 17
The irst event of the Championships was Anglians ielded a strong and competitive majority of seven bouts to two with two
a ‘home derby’ which saw a relatively new Team but they were no match for 3 PARA knockouts and a further three stoppages.
2 PARA Team box an experienced Team who won by six bouts to three.
from 13 Air Assault Support Regiment, At the time of writing this article, the
the RLC Champions. Both Teams were In the irst of the Semi Finals 2 PARA took second Semi Final between 3 PARA and
conident going into the competition but on 2 RIFLES in an exciting clash between 2 PWRR is just days away which will
superior itness and technical ability saw the Teams which were both well prepared hopefully see a 3 PARA victory setting up
the 2 PARA Team win by an impressive and extremely motivated. 2 PARA got off a much anticipated clash between 2 and
margin of eight bouts to one. The second to a great start with a Knock Out in the 3 PARA in the Final.
Quarter Final saw 3 PARA draw 2 Royal opening bout and then kept the pressure
Anglian at home in Colchester; The
on to secure the victory by a thumping
SSgt (SSI) J Marke RAPTC
inishing a 3-year posting at the prestigious RMAS it was of my mind, my main focus was to deliver progressive but ‘’old
clearly time to move on and challenge myself with a posting school’’ PT to include improvised circuits, loaded marches and
to a major unit within the Field Army. So in Mar 12 with a
a variety of battle PT sessions incorporating logs, combat PT and
4-hour light followed by a 1 hr drive I found myself at the front partner exercises. In addition, I was fortunate enough to have
gates of Alexander Barracks in Dhekelia Cyprus home to the 2nd ive purpose built stretchers constructed and accompanied with
Battalion the Royal Anglian Regiment who at that time were the ive 75 kg hazmat dummies dressed in full MTP. PT was speciic
residential Infantry Battalion (Bn). After the initial week of meet and to role but more importantly the frequency and quality of training
greets it soon became evident that this was a it and extremely being delivered by a newly formed gym staff was to an extremely
busy Bn who had an assortment of commitments to ill both on high standard and as a result, the Bn was evidently it physically
and off the Island. After 2 months off “bedding in” my irst major and mentally prior to deploying to Kenya.
task was to prepare for a unit move back to the UK.
In Oct 12 the Bn conducted Ex Askari Thunder, which involved
In Jul 12, the Bn commenced its move back to the UK and was 6 weeks of intense military training from section to battle group
to be located in Kendrew Bks formally known as RAF Cottesmore scenarios in arduous conditions. Despite one unlucky soldier
situated within the Rutland Waters area. Despite this area being receiving a snake bite to the face, and a few others receiving
very afluent, the Camp itself was somewhat old and dilapidated. broken ankles due to the terrain, the Bn had a very successful
The gymnasium at this site was appallingly poor mainly due to the exercise. Even though I was looking forward to living in the bush
plethora of damages within the building supplemented with the and being at one with the wildlife it soon became apparent I was to
fact there was NO gym equipment. Nevertheless, after meetings, step in as the Bn ATO.....I guess someone had to do it.
phone call after phone call, it was inally agreed that I was to
acquire some equipment from ATR (B) enough to get me up and At the time of writing, the Bn are currently on the MST Phase of
running in preparation for the Bn deployment to Kenya. Despite training in preparation for Herrick 19; the gymnasium is continually
the above mentioned, Kendrew Bks has some great sporting being refurbished and kit is slowly starting to come in, albeit at the
facilities such as outdoor tennis courts, all weather pitch, football Bn expense. Even though the Bn was extremely it post Kenya,
& rugby pitches to name only a few, in addition, it has an extremely the challenges of ensuring all ranks stay at this level of itness is
large airield and training area, giving me a warm fuzzy feeling that extremely dificult especially now large numbers of personnel are
this location has great potential.
away on driving/commander courses, tactical questioning courses
and promotional courses to name only a few. That said, the CoC
It was Sep 12 and the Bn oficially returned to work (post unit are onside and are continually seeking guidance and instruction in
move) with its main emphasis being Kenya (Ex Askari Thunder). ensuring those who are in camp are getting quality training. I have
To ensure all ranks were physically and mentally it for Kenya, and no doubt that those who deploy in Oct 13 will be physically and
with the lack of equipment and time period (5 weeks) in the back
mentally prepared and it to ight.
4 mile casualty extraction using stretcher & dummy
Water Stop Staff