Page 18 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 18
Training Regiment RLC is a minor
regular unit that supports training
of both National and Regional TA
soldiers. Daily routine for the P&RTC is
catering for Regimental and Phase 1, 2
and 3 physical training as is covered by
most units. Additionally the gym hosts
Basketball, Badminton and Fencing
up to Combined Service level. This is
testament to the great facility that is here
at Grantham. Due to the central locality QMSI Head brieing the CO-Station Body Composition Stand – 5 Trg Regt
of Grantham it is well advised that if Health Fair – 5 Trg Regt RLC
RLC Station Health Fair
individuals wish to host sporting events of the Woodland Trust Queen’s Diamond
within a gym, they should keep Grantham Jubilee celebrations. The training area
Station in mind.
at Grantham had been chosen as one
of the sites for the planting of a 60,000
Notwithstanding, 2012 saw the gym take tree woodland to celebrate the Diamond
on a different role as Grantham Station Jubilee. We all ‘dug’ in and helped with
was chosen as a training site for both Op the project.
both Op ESCALIN and Op OLYMPICS Routine courses that the gymnasium
the gym became the hub for training as cater for are all recruiting and promotion
it is the only facility within the Station to courses within the Territorial Army. In
be able to cater for the 300+ soldiers that addition 2012 witnessed an inlux of
required training/brieing on a daily basis. training that Grantham Station had not
During this busy period the gym staff seen in years. Due to the availability of
became extremely eficient at juggling accommodation and training real estate it
the daily routine around this additional was chosen as one of the sites that would
training and proved they were more than facilitate training for both Op ESCALIN
Tree Planting Day – Command
capable of the task – would we have and Op OLYMPICS. At points throughout Tasks – 5 Trg Regt RLC
expected anything less from PTIs? The this training there were some 1500+
cardio and resistance kit was given a personnel from all Forces training within Regimental Programme. Even without
signiicant ‘work out’ during this time with Grantham Station.
Op ESCALIN and OLYMPIC, Grantham
daily footfall within the P&RTC estimated Station continues to be busy and with the
at increasing by up to 500%, especially Despite this busy time, the Regiment still predicted uplift within TA training, it is only
when it was open 24 hours a day.
found time to participate in Adventure going to get busier. Rebasing will also
Training and Sport, bringing home 5 see a change to Grantham Station, but
After these two Operations inished we category trophies from the Lincs League to what level is still not fully understood,
then moved onto hosting local businesses Summer Road Race Series. Next year will however, a barracks with such vast real
who came for a team building day be no exception in relation to AT and Sport estate and training facilities will surely now
associated with helping plant trees as part
with AT packages already booked into the
pass below the radar!
SSgt (SSI) W Vasey RAPTC
s the battalion headed towards a busy year of preparation December brought in the ‘New Corpsman’, my good self
for Herrick 18 a tragic and untimely accident saw the SSgt ‘Waz’ Vasey, and I did not move too far, about 400m
passing of SSgt ‘Chris’ Martin.
from RRU Tidworth! I had some big shoes to ill and at a time
when everything seemed to be going at a million miles an hour.
Chris had only recently posted in to the Lets get stuck in. Christmas leave was a
Unit as the RAPTCI but still had time to welcome and well deserved break for the
leave a lasting impression.
Battalion prior to the April deployment.
The show had to go on even though The start of 2013 brings a fresh drive and a
hearts were heavy and the summer shiny new toy in the shape of the BeaverFit
saw an intense push for the Battalion FOB Locker – the ultimate in functional
on various exercises including ‘Ex itness. A great asset for the Bde and a
Prairie Thunder’. Even with all the focus brilliant way to inalise the training for the
on work, time was still found for good Unit. 6 Bn are now ready physically and
old AT and the guys enjoyed horse mentally to embark on a very busy Herrick
riding, parachuting, kayaking and even tour.
climbing the Glaciers, all in the stunning
surroundings of Canada.
Good luck, stay safe and come back soon.