Page 21 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 21
SSgt (SSI) L Kinsley RAPTC Leading the Bataan Death March Marathon
SSgt (SSI) Kinsley RAPTC & Lt Col Sawyer relaxing after the Marathon
runs were in order. It was evident that the heat and altitude were that needed it a burger stand at the half way point. I found myself
going to be more challenging than irst presumed. I have never in 2nd place at the 18 mile point and I was chasing down last year’s
trained at such altitudes and consequently never experienced, to winners but with the power of the cross swords on my chest and
this extent, the effects altitude has on the muscles; it’s as if you the red belt around my waist I caught him at the 20 mile point, I ran
are running in lead boots. We arrived for a registration which saw past him as if I had only just started running, “we’ve all done it” –
more than 6000 entries, with an even mix of civilian and military good form, calm breathing, looking fresh, but really your hanging.
competitors. All competitors were extremely friendly and pleased Once I was around the corner I knew this is where the work would
to see the British Army at such an event, even as an RAPTCI begin, I had 6 miles left and I started the transition from fats to
posing for photos was wearing a little thin.... “Well not too thin!”
crabs about 30 minutes prior so my energy sources were running
low. It was certainly tough and each mile seemed longer than the
The morning of the race was an early start, up at 0230 and on last but eventually I could see the inish line. I not only managed to
the road for 0300 hrs to ensure we arrived by 0500 hrs, ready hold onto 1st place but I created a six minute lead. I completed the
for the race start at 0730 hrs. As we know, Americans don’t do course in 3:57 min, the previous year’s winning time was 4:25 min
things by-halves, the opening ceremony had an enormous stage, and as an added bonus, I am 1 of 4 in the past 25 years tenure
the largest country lag I have ever seen, a full choir, and several of the competition to have ever ran sub 4 hr. The rest of the team
announcers with many, many speeches, a helicopter ly over fared very well too; our Regimental Colonel was 3rd overall and 1st
and not to forget their national anthem “twice”. Even though it in his age category, and all members came 20th or under with a
lasted almost 2 hrs it gave the very sense and feeling to why we few achieving 1st and 2nd in their age category. Needless to say
were doing the Bataan Memorial Death March. The race was well my feet were sore and my joints needed a spray of ‘WD40’ but
organised with much needed refreshment stops every 2 miles that certainly didn’t stop us heading to Las Vegas.
serving water, Gatorade (isotonic drink), fresh fruit and for those
47 Regt RA Team at
Opening Ceremony