Page 31 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 31
and walking and climbing excursions on and around Ben Nevis.
The need for an increase in AT instructors has been highlighted,
giving soldiers the opportunity to get away on external training
and courses. The gymnasium will also provide support to external
units such as University Oficer Training Cadet Teams
All in all, my irst three months have been great. 3 SCOTS have
displayed a healthy attitude and approach to sport, AT and
itness, giving the gymnasium their full support. With three soldiers
currently attending the AAPTI course at sunny Aldershot we now
look to training more potential instructors and increasing the
Regiment’s physical prowess..2013 looks to be a great year
for itness at the Fort.
SSgt (SSI) J Whiting RAPTC
9 Engr Regt recently moved to the 2012 sporting calendar, our Premier
Kinloss in Scotland all the way League rugby team is doing well and our
from Cambridge. For those who
football team is hoping to secure some
are unaware of where Kinloss is, look at silver this year. Sport is hard to compete
the top of Scotland and there we are! A within the Army when you have to travel
slight change from the southern climate for a day to get anywhere south but the
of Cambridge but overall the move went Regt is slowly adjusting, and we ind our
well, with a smooth handover from the sportsmen and women competing in the
RAF who were sad to leave. We still had local civilian leagues to ensure competition
the commitment of Lead Air Support SSI Whiting(Centre) With AAPTI ready for the winter
is never far away.
Squadron (LASS) in support of the RAF
over this time but managed to establish Regt is being brought into the modern Never one to shy away from the limelight
ourselves in Scotland within a 4 month world of physical training.
I ind myself in the local papers more
window. Welcome to the world of G4!
frequently due to the Regt’s drive in
The RE games is one of the biggest events community engagements. The papers
My irst task in Scotland was to ensure in the sporting calendar of the RE and this are always keen to support the Regt
our hard work in the area of strength year we were the only team to enter every and we have had articles ranging from
conditioning was maintained whilst event having travelled the furthest of all the “Movember” raising £350 to supporting
setting up large facility that boasts one of teams. My hope was to retain the shield the annual World Kickboxing Association
the largest areas, both inside and outside after a solid year in 2011 but the move in Scotland. So if you’re ever able to get
that I have seen. An enthusiastic gym to Kinloss and LASS commitments had hold of the local Press and Journal take
staff helped in the smooth transition. Our taken its toll on us and we were forced a quick look at the ever present 39 Engr
message is slowly iltering out and the
to take second place. Not all was lost in
Sgt (SI) CJ Kelly RAPTC
joined 3 Riles on returning from Herrick 16 where I encountered After the Battalion returned to Redford Barracks from the march
a lot of 3 Riles personnel as they were on Herrick 16 at the same through Edinburgh, they did a parade for their families and we had
time. Within the irst week of working with the Battalion, we were
a families afternoon within the Barracks afterwards which everyone
preparing for the march through Edinburgh as we were granted enjoyed before going on 4 weeks well deserved POTL. Just before
the Freedom of the City, which is a massive privilege and we are we departed on Christmas leave, several members of the Bn were
the irst English Regiment to be awarded this. Much drill followed.
lucky enough to appear on TV with the Commanding Oficer to
receive the BEST UNIT Mille Award from the Prime Minister.
Post Op Herrick, sport has been an important part of the new
normality. The unit has a strong football team and with minimum
training, the Bn team were victorious over 2 SCOTS. However we
were defeated 4 – 2 by 3 Para in the Infantry Cup.
The rugby team was also having mixed success on the ield achieving
a very respectable 3rd place in the Brigade Festival of Sport.
Sport has also lourished at Inter Company level, with many
competitions taking place, allowing as many members of each
Company to participate, which has produced some Bn sporting stars
of the future. The immediate future for the Bn certainly looks promising
in terms of sporting activity which can only be good for the RAPTCI.