Page 33 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 33
A year of upheaval has not seen a
downturn in output though and a massive
resurgence in sport in Northern Ireland
has seen the close-knit community of
RAPTCIs kept on their toes. From a
NI wide perspective, the undoubted
highlights of the year were the 19 (Light)
Bde Sports Week and the 38 (Irish) Bde
Festival of Sports.
Closer to home, NIGSU has not only had
sport on the agenda, the unit enjoyed an
excellent 2 weeks of Multi-activity (T2)
Adventurous Training in the Cairngorms/
Aviemore and are also currently gearing
up for Ex SHAMROCK SPLASH, a 2 week
Kayaking exped (T3) to Cyprus.
On a personal note it has been a good
introduction to Corps life and the
upcoming year promises to be even
better, although the fact it kicks-off with a
13 day tour in Barbados with the RAPTC
Football team in April, surely means it can
only be downhill from there.
Action from the 38X Festival of Sports
SSgt (SSI) L Graham RAPTC
he main effort for 5 Army Air Corps during 2012 was assisting There can only be one winner though and that was taken by Sgt
with the security of the 2012 Olympics whilst maintaining (SI) Mark Wileman RAPTC. Some of the lifters will be travelling to
support to current operations in Northern Ireland. Sport is make claim for even bigger titles at the Army Championships due
an integral part of soldiering and an essential ingredient of military to their excellent performances.
life and also plays an important part in recruiting, retention and
public image. Therefore, the Commander has had it very high on “If a man does his best, what else is there?”
the list of priorities.
Utilising sport for building relations with other services has been
most rewarding and paid dividends, playing and beating the
notable Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) and Northern
Ireland Prison Service (NIPS) football teams.
I also had the pleasure of hosting the inaugural Northern Ireland
Powerlifting Championships. This was followed throughout the
year by other Single Lift Competitions. There was an array of
lifters from all over Northern Ireland descending on Aldergrove and
we were treated to some spectacular performances. Although for
many it was their irst time on platform the standard of lifting was
excellent, with some great rivalry to win creating a very vibrant
Single Lift Bench Press competitors accompanied Northern Ireland Full Powerlifting Championships 2012
by myself, Sgt (SI) Wileman and SO3 PD
Winner – Sgt (SI) Mark Wileman RAPTC