Page 35 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 35
The General Oficer Commanding 1(UK) Armoured
Division, Major General James Chiswell CBE
MC awarding myself with a commendation
for a courageous and selless act.
The Bareham family with Herford’s Council Commissioner Christian Manz and Mayor Bruno Wollbrink
up your mind that that is what they will I had hoped that some of my actions had ‘There is one thing that I would say to
always do: and that is what I hope all of passed by quietly but WO1 (SMI) Andy will never have all you
you here will always make your motto in Clark was quick to point out the cat or want, all you need. You will be short of
the years to come.
Batman, names he had given me – thanks this, or that, or the other. Sometimes
Andy, were now to be seen on the Army you will be short of men, at other times
Now to sum up what I have said to you Facebook page and the MoD website.
your equipment or weapons may not be
this afternoon. I would like to put it like as good as you think they ought to be,
this. First, keep it – absolutely it. Then, With 2 months left in post I will be nor will you have as many as you would
be honest – honest with yourselves and extremely sad to go as I have enjoyed the like. You may be short of ammunition.
honest with all those with whom you challenge very much but I am also looking You may also be short of food and water,
work. Then, have courage – and make it forward to the future.
or other necessary things. When these
an enduring courage. Next, be bold, be circumstances arise – as they will do often
daring, and when there is a choice take What has made this tour – I have been throughout your service, both in peace
the bold and daring course. Make the lucky to be surrounded by so many and in war – there is only one motto, and
very most of what you have got. And quality RAPTCI’s who implement the CO’s that is to make certain that you do the
never, never, never give in’.
direction which is ultimately the GOC’s very best you can with what you have got.
direction with so much vigour and lare.
Don’t bellyache about what you have not
Field Marshal The Lord Harding of If you have a chance before rebasing fully got, but get on and make certain that you
Petherton, addressing the Senior Division kicks in, experience a post in Germany.
do your utmost with what you have got. It
in 1953. Commander BAOR 1951 – is very important........., in whatever arm
or branch of the Service ........, to make
SSgt (SSI) JT Lavelle RAPTC
At the time of writing the majority of the ‘Fighting Fourth’ are
coming towards the end of their deployment on Op Herrick 17.
There is an assortment of roles in a Gunner AS90 Regiment and
this combined with the hectic reality of MST meant the physical
preparation of the unit was not without challenges. Nonetheless,
the Regiment was in good physical order when they started to
deploy forward in Sep 12.
In anticipation of their deployment it was decided that I was better
served on the Rear Operational Group (ROG) to ensure continuity
and progression for BCR’s and for those personnel returning from
injury. The ROG is over 200 strong with varying levels of itness
and I relished the opportunity to sprinkle a little bit of my PT magic.
Additionally, the ROG have continued to ly the sporting lag and
have endeavoured to enter as many sporting competitions as
possible during the deployment with the football team continuing
to lead the way by progressing in all cup competitions.
Personally, I am due to move on to pastures new in May 13 and I
will be sad to leave behind a family Regiment who have spoilt me
with their unwavering support on all fronts which has ensured my
tenure has been effortless and hugely enjoyable.
4RA Lavelle in action with the Regtl football team