Page 36 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 36
he 1st Battalion Scots Guards have recently returned from Gipp’s Challenge Cup
a long, hard tour of OP HERRICK 17. The tasks given, The Gipp’s Challenge Cup has been introduced to the Battalion’s
pressure endured, terrain covered and living/working physical training which consisted of ten physical itness events
conditions meant that, for those who weren’t on H12, this was over the period of MST. It was designed to test the combat
the hardest tour most of the Battalion have ever experienced. 1st itness across the companies, from the strongest down – this is
Battalion Scots Guards Battle Group (BG) were given the role of not about ‘gladiators’, it is about the average standard across the
Combined force Burma. As this was drawing down and passing team. The events have been designed to complement the stage of
command onto the Afghans, many of the Control Point’s were training in the MST, and encourage healthy competition between
only manned for the irst couple of months, which made the irst the companies.
few weeks of operations a steep learning curve for all of the BG.
Throughout the MST, ‘on the man’ equipment was missing. If
Our training started approximately seven months prior to we had Osprey to wear whilst we were conducting our combat
deployment; on a cold frosty morning in the Catterick training area, conditioning, obstacle training and loaded marches, it would have
following exercises in BATUS and leave. The itness levels in the made the training more speciic due to the weight distribution
Bn were of a high standard to begin with, following pre – exercise placed upon the soldiers. Even though we were carrying similar
training and BATUS. The focus for the physical development weights in training, the distribution of weight was different to the
training was on education, strength and conditioning speciic coniguration of equipment carried in theatre, which may affect
to role, combat conditioning and loaded marches. Before we different muscle activation and have effect to the ground reaction
commenced Mission Speciic Training the Bn was addressed by forces placed on the soldiers.
all the key training staff within the Bn, I spoke on the forthcoming
Pre Deployment Training, the rationale on the type of training and On the Bn’s return, after some well deserved leave, the Bn has
more importantly why we were going to train in the way we did, lots of sport and adventurous training planned. I will be saying a
which was positively received. Although progressive, the pace fond farewell as I will be leaving the Army; it’s been an interesting
was set at an arduous pace to ensure that all members of the unit to inish with!
Bn were of the highest standard, both physically and mentally.
Ensuring the whole Bn is as a well maintained ‘’Warrior Armoured
Fighting Vehicle’’ working in unison as a crew.
SG facial and actual effort SG Obstacle Course SG Maj Pearson displaying the importance of core strength
SG Gipp’s Challenge