Page 34 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 34
Headquarters REPORT
Maj (MAA) P Appleby
Maj (Retd) C White
WO2 (QMSI) I Bareham
t has been a real privilege to serve as 2012 was another strange year. Tranche
the Senior Warrant Oficer Physical 2 redundancy, selected for an LE
Development for HQ 1UKXX over the
Commission and subsequent move to
last 2 years. And with a blink of an eye HQ 160 (Wales) Bde as the SO3 PD, and
this will be my last note in post before inally being caught up in a chase with a
moving onto my next post.
male breaking into cars!!
With the Battle Rhythm of being an In November 2012, I saw a man
Operational Division so high it is an tampering with parked vehicles outside
extremely fraught time and this looks to my Army quarter in Herford, Germany
continue even with the rebasing going on. and was determined that the man would
With 7X fully into preparations for H19 not get away. I pursued the offender and
and 20X ramping up their training it looks secured the loot. The recovered bag was
like an extremely busy time before the found to be full of mobile phones, satellite
Division leaves Germany. That said sport navigation systems, DVD players and
is continuing to thrive in 1UKXX.
other expensive items taken from parked
vehicles. This time I was lucky, as I had
The 2012 London Olympics’ were lucky tried to do something similar in 2011 and
enough to have Danny Boyle pull off a ended up getting stabbed. And yes, I did
spectacular opening ceremony, whereas get stabbed back in 2007 as well.
we are fortunate enough to have Maj
(Retd) Clyde White pull off sporting events My wife Sharon and son Arthur and I were
on a weekly basis in Germany. It has fortunate enough to be invited to the local
never ceased to amaze me when travelling town hall to meet the local media – a low
around the amount of sport going on with key event we were told, it turned into
the Battle Rhythm that is in place. I will something different but I did get presented
miss this.
a crate of Herford Pils for my actions.
BA (G) Cross Country – Paderborn – ‘Hideous’ course