Page 38 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 38




th Mechanized Brigade
RAPTCI’s have worked
tirelessly over the past 18
months to prepare the Brigade

both physically and mentally
for Operations in Helmand on
HERRICK 17. Formed Units (FU’s)
RAPTCI’s delivered a progressive,

structured and well balanced
pre deployment PTP to ensure
optimal robustness and combat
functional ability met the demand

of operational performance within
the CFORM Cycle timeline. The
Brigade were trained through
HFT, IMST, CMST and tested over
WO Pollock RAF Regt WO1 Young RAPTC handing Over_Blood Hound Camp

(CANADA), ASKARI THUNDER (KENYA), CAST N, PASHTUN Party (DcN AP) and deployed to Cyprus on 19 Feb 13. The 
HORIZON 1-3, CALFEX, CFX and FTX. The Brigade begain its Brigade deployed to Blood Hound Camp with a Maj (OC), Capt 
deployment in Sep/Oct 12 and return to the United Kingdom at (Op’s Off), WO1 (RSM), Headquarters Staff, G4 Group and four 12 
the end of Apr 13.
man sections a total of 71 pax. The DcN real estate is fantastic 

and the package is excellent, it is widely understood that DcN is 
Most FU’s deployed their RAPTCI’s to the Unit Rover protection ‘good news story’ that adds real value and has seen enormous 
group, PMAG, BAG and as the Intelligence Cell SNCO, whilst others improvement and investment over the past 6 years.
remained in the Rear Ops Group. The Brigade Commander decided 

the Bde SMI (Me) would remain behind to focus on the Rear Ops I would like to round up by saying a very big thank you to all the 
Group and co-ordinating the Brigade Decompression plan.
RAPTCI’s who produced the goods during my tenure as the 4 Bde 
SMI. I wish my successor WO1 (SMI) Grant Webster RAPTC and 
After a number of manning issues, elements from across the his family the very best of luck and good fortune.

Brigade were stood up as the H17 Decompression Activation


SSgt (SSI) A P Moretti RAPTC

It’s now approaching the end of my (understatement of the year) gymnasium personnel redundancies, the Regiment 

second year amongst the throng of the we were given the go ahead!! A nod of is readying itself as all Cavalry Regiments 
the head came from upon high and the are set to re-role, which has left most with 
unit was allocated a hefty 200k. How far a taste of ‘uncertainty’.
And what has happened I hear you ask?
will this stretch? We are yet to see.

Al least by the time this goes to print, 
Well, I shall tell you!
A very busy year has lown by, on all the Regiment will have returned from 
accounts, with Mission Speciic Training Afghanistan, had themselves a well 
By the luck of the gods, on our second leading up to deployment on HERRICK deserved rest, readied themselves for 

attempt at procuring funds for a 17 and all that entails for any Regiment re-role and are now training in a newly 
complete refurbishment of a well worn
preparing for an Op tour. Alongside
re-furbed gym, happy days!

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