Page 11 - Oundle Life May 2024
P. 11

                                       Can you tell us the history of your pub? The full history of the pub is captured in text that
is wrapped around our bar. It is a real talking point for visitors.
visit? We definitely need to visit Singapore, where Hilly was born.
Dog, cat or iguana – who’s at home? Three dogs! Whippets Grace and Wren and our Italian Greyhound Enzo.
  What makes The Shuckburgh Arms
different? Our location is rather special, we are
positioned quite centrally in the peaceful village   to you on that one?! No seriously, our aim is
of Southwick and are surrounded by some fabulous walk and cycle routes. We have a large off road car park, a large garden and terrace. We know that the pub holds many fond memories for so many customers, having been here for such a long time.
The feedback has been tremendous
to continue to develop the site and to create a real destination.
What brings you joy? We love what we do but outside of work, beach days with family and our dogs.
Any future ambitions? Can we come back
   Proudest moment? Opening on Christmas Eve 2023 with not a spare seat or space in the house from the moment we unlocked the doors to closing! The feedback has been tremendous.
You have a day off, what do you do? Day off? If we can grab a moment, we are likely to spend time with our family.
If money was no object, where would you
Something people don’t know about you? We have been together for 38 years and have two children with a 20 year age gap between them!
Who inspires you?
Definitely humanitarians. We have the utmost respect for people who dedicate their lives to helping others.

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