Page 24 - Oundle Life May 2024
P. 24

                                WHAT’S ON
In and Around Oundle
Are We (Still) Winning The War On Waste?
Wednesday 22nd May, 7.30pm* in the Oundle Room, Fletton House, Glapthorn Road, Oundle, PE8 4JA.
Most local households have three bins into which recycling, black bin and food waste
are separated - but what happens to it after
it is collected, what is the definitive list of
what goes in which bin and, as awareness of environmental and social issues related to mass consumption grows, are habits and behaviours changing accordingly?
Industry expert, Charlotte Tompkins, of North Northamptonshire Council will provide an update on where the material collected through our waste and recycling collections goes, what we can and can't recycle in our bins,
and how we can be less wasteful.
The talk will be preceded by a very short
Transition Oundle AGM.
*NB: The date and time are provisional at
the time of going to print. Please check or @TransitionOundle on facebook for confirmation.
    Oundle Bowling Club
Big Open Weekend &
Charity Match
Oundle Bowling Club will be opening their doors for anyone interested in trying the sport of bowls over the weekend of 1st and 2nd June. Coaching and equipment, including the use of a specialised wheelchair and bowling aids for those with limited mobility will be available. All we ask is that bowlers wear flat soled footwear. We also have sets of junior bowls for younger children. Doors will be open on Saturday from 10am until 5pm and Sunday 9am until 12 noon.
On Sunday afternoon we shall be holding our annual charity match, which this year is for The Firefighters Charity, featuring local clubs, businesses and organisations from 2am until 5pm.
We are located between the tennis and rugby club in Occupation Road.
For further information please contact: John Gouldson on 07943 407599 or

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