Page 34 - Oundle Life May 2024
P. 34

                                     will still produce good crops but slightly later. Runner and French beans are grown in rows
or up a wigwam structure made of bamboo canes or hazel poles; they can also be grown up netting. They both have attractive flowers so
can be grown in the flower borders and go well with sweet peas. If short of space grow them up supports alongside the house. Sow the seed 5cm deep and space 15 to 20cm apart and if growing a double row space these 60 cm apart. Once the seed has germinated twist the stems around the canes just to get them started, they will climb on their own then.
Squash, pumpkins, courgettes and marrows
can be sown approx. 1.5m apart and 3cm deep, cover them with a jam jar, plastic bottle base or similar as this will keep the seed slightly warmer so germination will be quicker. if it is dry water well, if possible, with recycled water or from a water butt.
Sweet corn can be sown outdoors in mid-May but choose an early cultivar so that they are ready by late August. Sow or plant these in blocks as this helps the pollination and gives better cobs, space the plants 40cm apart each way.
Kelvin V. Mason

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