Page 42 - Oundle Life May 2024
P. 42

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Easy tear ‘n’ share bread baked with melting camembert cheese in the centre for dipping.
230g lukewarm water 1 tsp dried yeast 400g bread flour
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt
250g camembert – ideally one in a wooden box 2 cloves garlic, peeled & finely sliced (optional) 1 tbsp runny honey
A pinch of chilli flakes or fresh thyme leaves
1 egg yolk mixed with 1 tbsp milk or water
A pinch or two of sesame seeds
1. Grease a shallow pan or large tin with butter or oil or line with greaseproof paper.
2. First mix the dough ingredients together then knead for 10 mins until smooth and stretchy. Place in a bowl, cover with a clean tea towel and set aside in a warm place to prove until doubled in size, about an hour.
2. Once the dough is doubled in size, turn out
on to a work surface. Divide into 16 pieces
and roll each into a ball.
3. Remove the camembert from its packaging
and return to the wooden box without the lid. Score the top of the camembert in a criss cross pattern and (if using) insert the garlic slices into the cuts. Place the camembert into the centre of the prepared pan or tin. Arrange the dough balls around it, not quite touching. Cover with the tea towel and set aside for 15- 30 mins to allow the dough to rise again.
4. To bake, remove the tea towel, drizzle 2 tbsp honey over the camembert and sprinkle with the chilli flakes or thyme leaves. Brush the dough balls with the egg yolk mixture and sprinkle with a pinch or two sesame seeds.
5. Bake in the AGA or conventional oven, for 20-25mins until the bread is browned and risen and the camembert is runny. Serve.
   Recipe from:
Naomi Hansell
Aga Living

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