Page 88 - Mercian Eagle 2013 Digital Edtion
P. 88
Maj Tony Seager
WO2 Danny Johnson
CSgt J Ward
Capt Robbie Davies
WO2 Matt Henry/ WO2 Warren Peckett
CSgt Shane Woolley CSgt Paul Campbell
B Company
Another busy year which has seen
B Company soldiers deploy on Ops in Afghanistan and Cyprus; on overseas exercises in Denmark and Italy and contribute training team personnel to Uganda. It has also been a year of fond farewells and new beginnings. October saw the departure of Major Dave Duffley as he handed over the reins of Command to me, the new OC, Major Tony Seager. I know
I was extremely grateful for the handover
I received and the
excellent state I found
the Company in. I know
as well that all members
of the Company were
grateful for Dave’s
stewardship and wish
him well in the future.
We also said adieu to
WO2 Matt Henry who
hands over the reins of
SPSI to WO2 Warren Peckett; we are sure he will excel in his new appointment as a RQMS at ITC.
B Company personnel have been at the forefront of all Battalion training activities. In
October, 2Lt Highet, LCpl Myers, and Pte McKevitt deployed to Denmark to take part in Ex VIKING STAR alongside members
of the Royal Mercian and Lancastrian Yeomanry (RMLY) and elements of the Danish Reserve Defence force. Shortly after, members of the Company deployed with the first of two Battalion led teams, training members of the Ugandan armed forces for an imminent deployment to Somalia. The annual Remembrance
it was a great chance to meet the whole team.
January and the new year saw members of the Company in the final throes of training for deployment to Cyprus on Op TOSCA; I am sure they are all grateful for the efforts
of their comrades to properly prepare them for any public order they may face! With the training complete, March saw LCpl Sleeman and Truscott, Ptes McKevitt, Peterson, Lam, Whittle and Carson deploy to Cyprus as
part of the Bn deployment on Op TOSCA. Shortly after one group of B Company Soldiers deployed on Operations, Sgt Keeble and Ptes Burkett and Platt returned from very successful tours in Afghanistan with 1 MERCIAN where they were a credit to the Company and the cap badge.
Obviously mentioned elsewhere but June was a busy month for all MERCIAN soldiers and B Company was no exception with a
Sunday parades in both Widnes and Stockport were a chance to reflect on the sacrifice of those who went before us. Numerous members
of the local community expressed their pride at seeing current members of the Reserve, many with recent operational
experience paying their respects to the fallen of previous conflicts. All too soon it was time for the Company Christmas lunch; a chance for all members to come together and enjoy the seasons festivities; as OC
Another busy year which has seen B Company soldiers deploy on Ops in Afghanistan and Cyprus

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