Page 90 - Mercian Eagle 2013 Digital Edtion
P. 90
Pl Comd (Stoke) Pl Sgt (Stoke)
Pl Comd (Crewe) Pl Sgt (Crewe) CQMS
Maj N. Clarke Capt A Browne WO2 S Burgess Lt D J Rawji Cpl T Birks
Lt M D Styles CSgt S Smith CSgt J Griffiths
2Lt M Jones, Sgt P Minor
the new colours. The parade proved an excellent opportunity for LCpl Leatherland (ex Grenadier Guards) to show off his drill prowess and pass on his experience to the other members of the Coy who attended. Maybe the OC needed some one on one tuition. Immediately after the parade the Bn deployed a Company on Ex ROMAN STAR, C Company was well represented. The 2 week field exercise saw the Company work alongside their Italian counterparts in some extremely demanding conditions.
The annual pilgrimage to Crich provided an excellent focal point to the Coy’s efforts. It remains one of the first dates on most soldiers diaries and a privilege to be part of the organising and administrative function for the event. On Aug 13 the Coy finished off where we began, in the Peak district
D Company
D Company has had a successful year
and has continued their commitments to operations and battalion events. With a new Officer Commanding at the helm, fresh from operations, D Company restructured and began to rethink its strategy on getting new recruits through the door. The ongoing challenge of balancing technical training with instructional periods is always difficult especially as key personnel are in great demand for operational commitments.
As Afghanistan draws down for the Army Reserves we find our soldiers deployed to areas such as Cyprus on Op TOSCA and on Short Term Training Teams in Uganda: (D Company is never short of volunteers for operations).
At the beginning of the year the Company built on last years core of very supportive employment groups
in both Stoke and
conducting AT. This years AT was not without incident Sgt Woodward and Pte Pearson proved their inability to pilot a 2 man canoe down a flat canal, not only in a straight line but the
Platoon at Mansfield. The Coy recruiting staff, Sgt Orton and Cpl Simcox continue to work tirelessly to recruit for the Coy and the wider Army. A task made more demanding
correct way up.
This year has seen
A task made more demanding by the new recruiting processes.
by the new recruiting processes.
The future for the Coy looks bright. We eagerly await the return of those on Op TOSCA, the impending expansion to Bulwell and the re-introduction of a support Platoon. It
the welcome return of
WO2 Barnett as SPSI
and CSgt Coulson from
an instructors post at
the Army Training Unit
(East). The OC and
Permanent Staff Admin
Officer (PSAO) are currently busy planning the Coy HQs move to Bulwell (Nottingham), in the New Year, as part of the FR2020 changes. The changes will also see a downsizing of personnel, over time, to a
remains vibrant and a force to be reckoned with. Again it has shown its versatility and its ability to both support the Bn and the wider defence effort.
on another weekend as the junior college members move into higher classes. Crewe has also started to build links with the local Sports team which will benefit the company in the months and years to come.
D Company has found its soldiers deployed and posted to many exotic places this training year from Uganda
and Denmark to Italy. In October and November Lt Styles deployed to Uganda as part of 4 MERCIAN’s Short Term Training Team, teaching and instructing over 2000 Ugandan Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) in a 2 week period.
Annual Camp this year provided
D Company with the opportunity to deploy to Italy on Ex ROMAN STAR 1, which for many was the first opportunity to travel further afield than Brecon
Crewe. Our local college were also invited to
a Swynnerton based look at D Company life, Ex Eagles Talon which they really enjoyed
and they have asked the Company to put
The ongoing challenge
of balancing technical training with instructional periods is always difficult
with the Company.
The Company contingent moved under Lt Styles with Cpl Holmes temporarily providing a firm but
fair Platoon Sergeant replacement. This provided D Company soldiers with a fantastic