Page 25 - Chiron 2024
P. 25

 ITT Kennel Enrichment
 by LCpl White
The Military Working Dogs (MWD) on Initial Trade Training (ITT) have a varied work-life balance. During Initial Trade Training courses they, are utilised throughout the day, but when ITT courses are not taking place the pace of life is slightly slower.
With a renewed emphasis from the Defence Animal Training Regiment on kennel enrichment, the ITT Instructors were put to task to improve the enrichment of the ITT MWD Fleet for the ITT Kennels and Kennel Compounds. To make the time spent in these areas more stimulating for the MWDs.
Various ideas were generated, and after much debate and research a list of items was formed that
was thought would be the most appropriate at improving the enrichment and quality of life for the ITT MWD Fleet.
Once the list was generated, the ITT Instructors with the aid of the Training Officer Sqn Ldr Bostock and the Regimental 2IC Maj Gillies, generated the Low Value Purchase orders and submitted them, the
anticipation of the items arriving began.
Once the items arrived the ITT Instructors started the process of assembling the larger items. Sgt Mahoney particularly enjoyed this part of the process, showing off his ability with a drill. This included constructing new transportable planters which will house various plants and flowers to give off soothing scents in the kennel area. And as they have wheels, they can be moved around the kennels, to alternate the scents close to each MWD.
Along with the planters, more common items that were purchased were Wobble Kongs, Bunting, Wind Chimes which play compatible music to each other, Sensory Games, Scent Dispensers, Waterproof Radios for the kennel area, and Goughnuts.
The Goughnuts have proved a huge hit with the dogs as their tough nature mean that the dogs can chew on them, and they do not suffer from wear and tear. The Belgian Malinois on the ITT MWD Fleet have found these particularly enjoyable.
With the Canine Training
Squadron embarking on a sensory garden, the ITT Team are also embarking on some green skills (not the usual green skills associated with the Army though), and are planting tree saplings in and around the ITT Compounds, which in time will provide enrichment to the MWDs during their walks and time spent in the compounds.
   Chiron Calling / 23

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