Page 82 - The Cormorant Issue 14
P. 82

Best Joint Maritime Student
The prize for the Best Joint Maritime Student is sponsored by the Naval Review and is usually presented by the Editor, Vice Admiral Sir Jeremy Blackham; unfortunately, he was unable to attend the prize-giving ceremony so the prize was awarded
by the Assistant Commandant (Maritime), Cdre Keith Winstanley. The Joint Maritime prize was awarded to the student who has shown the greatest conceptual and practical understanding of the Maritime environment and the contribution it can make to joint operations. The prize was a two-year subscription to the Naval Review, the Bootle Pelican Trophy and a copy of the book ‘Some Principles of Maritime Strategy’ by Julian S. Corbett; for ACSC 14, the prize was awarded to Lt Col Rich Cantrill, Royal Marines.
Fujitsu Prize for the Best Defence Policy and Strategic
The winner of the Brooke Popham Prize for the Best DRP was pre- sented with the Brook Popham Cup, a one year subscription to RUSI and a signed copy of the book ‘Securing the State’ by David Omand. The winner, for his paper
entitled ‘UK Security Strategy: Clarity or Compromise?’ was Mr Matthew Savill.
Curtiss Prize for Campaigning
The Curtiss Prize for Campaigning is awarded to the student who has consistently demonstrated through- out the Course the greatest under- standing of campaigning and its practical application, both as an individual and as part of a team.
The prize is sponsored by Air Marshal Sir John Curtiss, who was unfortunately unable to attend the prize giving ceremony’; there- fore, the prize was presented on his behalf by the Director General of the Defence Academy, Mr Peter Watkins. The winner of the Curtiss Prize was presented with a silver model of a Hawk aircraft and a copy of ‘The Gamble’ by Thomas E. Ricks; for ACSC 14, this prize was awarded to Cdr James Parkin, Royal Navy.
Ironmongers’ Millennium Prize for Excellence
The Ironmongers’ Millennium Prize for Excellence was presented by Mr Martin Hudson, Master of the Worshipful Company of Ironmongers, to the stu- dent who, throughout ACSC has dem- onstrated the greatest originality, ability to analyse problems critically, and the confidence to experiment and take sen- sible risks. The prize winner was pre- sented with the silver model of the Mil- lennium Dome and an engraved silver salamander, which is the symbol of the
Worshipful Company of Ironmongers; for ACSC 14, this prize was awarded to Lt Col James Bowder, Grenadier Guards.
Thales Defence Prize for the Best International Student
The Thales Defence Prize for the Best International Student was presented by Mr Dean Mason, Vice-President of Business and Development, Sales and Market- ing, Thales UK, to the International student who has stood out in terms
of professional excellence related to the understanding of the joint nature of military operations, and who has made a significant and altruistic contribution to all aspects of life during ACSC. The win- ner was presented with the Irish Cup and an engraved, silver Armada Dish, kindly donated by Thales plc; for ACSC 14, this prize was awarded to Maj Ben Pronk, Australian Army.
Chief of Defence Staff’s Prize for the Best Student
The Chief of Defence Staff’s Prize for the Best Student is awarded to the student who has stood out in terms of professional excellence related to the understanding of the joint nature of military operations, and made a significant and altruis-
tic contribution to all aspects of life during ACSC. The winner was presented with the Latimer Cormorant and an engraved Sil- ver Cormorant which has been generously donated by the Cor- morant Club, and a copy of the book ‘The Evolution of Opera- tional Art’; for ACSC 14, this prestigious prize was awarded to Lt Col Dom Biddick, The Royal Anglian Regiment.
   Programming Student
The Fujitsu Prize for the Best Defence Policy and Strategic Pro- gramming Student was presented by Mr Malcolm Osborne, Accounts Director of Fujitsu (UK), to the stu- dent who has demonstrated the greatest understanding of Defence
 Policy and Strategic Programming. The prize winner was pre- sented with a copy of the book ‘Sitting in the Hot Seat – Leader- ship for Critical Incidents’ by Rhonna Flin; for ACSC 14, this prize was awarded to Lt Col Ian Poole, Royal Logistics Corps.
Defence Research Paper Awards
The Defence Research Paper (DRP) is the students’ major aca- demic submission for the whole Course. These prizes were all presented by Vice Admiral Rory McLean, Vice-Chairman of the Royal United Services Institute.
Andover Prize for the International Student DRP
The runner-up to the Andover Prize for the International Student DRP received a one-year subscription to RUSI and a copy of the book ‘The Accidental Guerrilla’ by David Kilcullen. For his paper entitled ‘The Missed Transformation of the
British Army in the Inter-war Period’, this prize was awarded to Maj Remi Pellabeuf, French Foreign Legion.
The prize winner of the Andover Prize for the Best DRP by an Inter- national Student was presented with a silver model of an Andover aircraft, a one year subscription to RUSI and a copy of the book ‘Bad Strategies’ by James S. Corum.
For his paper entitled ‘Westphalian Maladies vs. Globalised Transgressions: Is it Time to Replace Navies as Policemen of the Maritime Commons?’ this prize was awarded to Lt Cdr Sharad Sinsunwal, Indian Navy.
Brooke Popham Prize for the Best DRP
The runner-up to the Brooke Pop- ham Prize received a one year subscription to RUSI and a signed copy of the book ‘The Savage Bor- der’ by Jules Stewart. For her paper entitled ‘Will Repealing the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy have
an impact on the US military’s readiness?’ the winner of the run- ner-up prize was Maj Belinda Forsythe, Royal Military Police.

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