Page 5 - Chiron Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 5

 King Charles III Coronation
by Pte Bell RAVC
On Saturday 6th May 2023, five Reservist Dog Handlers from 101 MWD took part in
the once in a lifetime opportunity of marching alongside Regular Soldiers and Officers from various squadrons from 1 MWD and, 7,000 other military personnel as part of the procession for King Charles III Coronation.
Training for the Reservists began with up to four days of rifle drill training over the Easter weekend, which was new to the majority of the group. The main part of training for the whole detachment was then based from Pirbright training camp from Wednesday 26th April. The marching contingents learnt a new drill movement
of London, including the obstacles troops were required to navigate when in London.
The overnight dress rehearsal involved taking the train into London Waterloo, an unusual sight for the public, with troops carrying rifles and bayonets in frogs. The incredible sight of Big Ben at sun set was well worth (mostly!) marching the entirety of Westminster Bridge and Parliament Square, holding rifles in the left slope. After two hours spent at Wellington Barracks underground car park while the army congregated, the procession group marched past Buckingham Palace and down the Mall towards Whitehall. Members of procession
group 6 and
the RAVC were stood at ease
on Whitehall from 1.30am until 3am. We know this was the amount of time because some members’ watches recorded they were sleeping for this amount
of time, whilst stood at ease! Then the moment we were all waiting
for arrived: “by the centre, quick march”, when the band immediately behind the RAVC sprang into action and marched us up the Mall towards Buckingham Palace.
There were a mixture of nerves and excitement on the day of the Coronation on the 6th May. The troops’ alarms went off at 2am ready for breakfast and getting suited and booted into our sparkling shoes and crisp number ones. The whole day of the Coronation felt a privilege and an honour. We were well prepared having carried out many rehearsals, but this did not stop members feeling pride and excitement throughout (and a little relieved forming 6 ranks went well!) I will
especially for
the Coronation,
of forming from
12 ranks wide
to 6 ranks wide
to be able to
march through
the gates into
Palace Garden.
Whilst at
Pirbright, the
group were both surprised and pleased to learn the drill instructors were happy with efforts all round.
It was even commented that the drill was “not bad for Vets!”, despite the majority of the group being dog handlers. Several training days were spent at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, rehearsing with the
rest of the Army marching troops. Between rehearsals the group
spent ample time polishing shoes, taking number one uniforms to the emergency tailors (having realised the girls’ trousers had been altered far too short!) Sunday 29th April was spent at RAF Odiham where full scale rehearsals with the entire military procession of around 7,000 personnel took place. The airfield was set up to simulate the streets
 “The incredible sight of Big Ben at sun set was well worth (mostly!) marching the entirety of Westminster Bridge and Parliament Square, holding rifles in the left slope”
 never forget fighting back the tears as we marched around the corner
of Admiralty Arch onto the Mall. Whether this was due to emotion
or the pain I was feeling having marched for 2 weeks, I do not know! Hairs stood on end at the incredible volume of the three cheers and collaboration of the forces coming together as one, to celebrate our new Monarch in the Buckingham Palace Garden.
I would be lying to say the entire two weeks weren’t tough. It was
a challenge for many; mentally, emotionally and physically. However, the whole experience was a privilege tobeapartof,itwasaonceina lifetime opportunity to have formed a part of such an historic event and the memories and feelings generated will not be forgotten.
Chiron Calling / 3

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