Page 101 - The Wish Stream Year of 2020 Crest
P. 101

   lege Model Room into a state-of-the-art facility. Meanwhile, around the grounds the lower lake has been dredged to remove a huge accumula- tion of weed, which was stifling the life of the fish and which made boating nigh on impossible.
Although the team have been unable to work at the Academy, the generous ‘flexible furlough’ terms of the Government scheme have meant
that they have been able to work from home, concentrating on marketing, website improve- ment and social media. Our Facebook follow- ers improved from 10,010 to 11,340 during the year. We introduced Throwback Thursday high- lighting photographs from the extensive Sand- hurst archives, in addition to our regular Famous Friday, featured elsewhere in this magazine. For 2021 we will be expanding Friday posts to feature the multitude of high (and sometimes low) achievers who have become Army officers through training other than at Sandhurst.
Finally, The Trust has signed up for the Amazon- Smile scheme. In essence half a percent of the cost of every order on Amazon is donated to a nominated charity at no cost to the buyer. I urge you, if you are using Amazon, to support The Trust through this medium.
In conclusion, The Trust survived 2020 where many other businesses and charities, sadly, have not. It is highly unlikely that we will be running events again much before September 2021 and so recovery will not begin until the end of the year. However, I am confident that next year’s Sandhurst Trust notes will not be headed ‘Fall Out’ but instead, something like ‘Slow March’.
  The mountain bike Pump Track

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