Page 35 - The Wish Stream Year of 2020 Crest
P. 35

 Ex DYNAMIC VICTORY is the final exercise that tests all Senior Term OCdts on what they have learnt during the 44-week course at the
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. Commission- ing course 201, comprised Blenheim, Waterloo and Inkerman Company, were put through their paces on a 3-way rotation across urban, rural, and interface operations within the Thetford train- ing area. The staff were there merely for safety reasons, giving the OCdts the opportunity and freedoms to be tested at all levels across com- pany appointments. The follow-
setting up the Company Command Post (CP). The three Inkerman Coy Platoon command ele- ments spent this admin time planning the first company attack: a dawn attack on Bridge Car Village (BCV) for the following morning.
5 Platoon 3 Section did a fantastic job of recce- ing the route to BCV from the harbour and col- lected as much Intel on the enemy disposition as possible. The information was passed on to the Company Commander, confirming that the
 ing article is broken down into 4 sections: namely the 3 rotations culminating in the final battlegroup wide attack. Each section has been written by a different OCdt from 5 Platoon, Inkerman Com- pany, giving their individual per- spective of the exercise.
Urban – OCdt McLaughlin
Company and 5 Platoon got into position for the attack in the nick of time. With the gun group sighted well, the attack started in earnest.
company and platoon plans were viable and the best option for the attack.
At 0300hrs, a now verging on sleep-deprived and slightly disori- entated Inkerman Company woke up and started to form up to depart the harbour. 5 Platoon were the main effort during the attack and were the initial assault platoon. Ink- erman Company and 5 Platoon got into position for the attack in the
On deploying to STANTA train-
ing area on the morning of the
13th Dec, Inkerman Company had an hour of battle prep before a short tab to the company harbour area. This was the start of the 48-hour urban phase of the exercise and was the ‘cap- stone’ Fighting in Built Up Area (FIBUA) training provided at the Academy. Initially the Company had an arduous time digging in the harbour and
nick of time. With the gun group sighted well, the attack started in earnest. The initial com- pound was taken by 5 Platoon effectively and quickly as ordered; however, on attempting the second position the enemy prestige weapons were brought to bear and heavy casualties were taken.

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