Page 36 - The Wish Stream Year of 2020 Crest
P. 36
Despite the heavy casualties and multiple well- sighted enemy belt-fed weapons with excep- tionally good arcs, 5 Platoon proceeded to clear a further 3 compounds before 6 Platoon ech- eloned through to carry on the attack. On com- pletion, Inkerman returned to the harbour and started the next planning cycle.
A similar cycle meant the 5 Platoon Commander had to plan an operation for the following morn- ing, a company strike on a group of enemy held buildings. 5 Platoon’s role in the strike was the outer cordon meaning that the platoon had to ensure that throughout the operation no enemy or civilians got in the vicinity of the operation. The strike started on time under illumination provided by the Company Sergeant Major (CSM) and the nearby concealed reserves. 6 Platoon secured the target and escorted the captured persons to the home nation security forces without detec- tion from the enemy. 5 Platoon in the outer cor- don dealt effectively with minor aggravation from local nationals on the west flank of the operation; however, through efficient and dynamic leader- ship the situation was diffused, and the strike was unaffected.
On completion, the company moved to Oak- wood Forward Operating Base (FOB) to com- plete the After-Action Review (AAR) provided by the directing staff. Although testing, the urban phase was a fantastic opportunity to prac- tice FIBUA techniques. Inkerman Company exploited the successes in the urban phase to gain as much experience as possible. The com- pany moved into the rural phase closer and more combat effective than ever before.
Rural – OCdt Geary, OCdt Dow
Following on from the urban phase, Inkerman Company returned to their harbour area – slightly wetter – to begin the rural phase. The rural phase consisted of two attacks over two days; initially led by OCdt Pilkington and later OCdt Montagu.
The first attack the company conducted built on the Fighting in Woods and Forests (FIWAF) training package received by the company dur- ing their Live Firing package at Lydd Ranges the week previously. In preparation for the attack, a section from 5 Platoon was sent out on what turned out to be an incredibly valuable night recce. Leaving the harbour area on a predeter-