Page 38 - The Wish Stream Year of 2020 Crest
P. 38
team allowing Charlie fire team, with cover from smoke, to assault the first enemy position. With the Platoon Commander out of action, Platoon Sergeant OCdt Dow stepped up to the posi- tion to take control of the remaining members of the platoon. Taking decisive action, OCdt Dow re-orbatted the remaining sections and led them, with fire support being provided by the advanced 2 section, to assault a further in-depth enemy position and establish a base of fire for the Company Commander. Despite initial casu- alties and the loss of the Platoon
shoot and scoot. This caused casualties and delays. There was a lot of open ground that needed to be covered too, which led to the death of a whole section from 5 Platoon trying to break through. Eventually, the company was able to reorganise and overwhelm the enemy, sending them running for the hills.
The patrol base was situated on flat open ground with a Main Supply Route (MSR) running through its centre. It was surrounded by a hill to the south
Commander, some quick thinking by those in command led to 5 Pla- toon assaulting and defeating the enemy positions they were tasked to do with little delay, allowing the Company – under direction from OCdt Emmott – to achieve their aims in the attack.
Eventually, the company was able to reorganise and overwhelm the enemy, sending them running for the hills
and woodblocks allowing easy, con- cealed movement from the enemy. They used this to launch sporadic attacks, keeping our Quick Reac- tion Force (QRF) and patrols team terribly busy!
The next company commander was OCdt Montagu, who was tasked with clearing a thin, 2.5km long woodblock to the NE of the base to allow the battlegroup the
Interface Phase –
OCdt Montagu
Inkerman Company’s next mission was to clear the Eastern AO of enemy to access a patrol base in which the company would establish a forward presence on the edge of the international border.
freedom of movement to move North towards Eastmere Village, the location of the final bat- tlegroup attack. A recce team was sent out at night to gather information on the ground and likely enemy locations. They proved to be essen- tial to the success of the mission as the pre-fire mortars killed off many of the enemy before the attack even began. They had to be ‘revived’ to
Gaining ground was tough fought, with enemy positions cleverly located within woodblocks with mutually supporting arcs and on orders to