Page 43 - The Wish Stream Year of 2020 Crest
P. 43

Waterloo Company Charity Dinner Night, CC201
OCdt Franks
With an increasingly complicated Covid- 19 situation playing out beyond the wire, Waterloo Company of CC201 were grateful to be able to briefly let
moving to the Old College Dining Room for din- ner itself. It was here that the auction took place after the meal. Expertly led by OCdt Walker and
 their hair down in slightly more
constricted terms than normal
when they held their Senior Term
Dinner Night at the end of Octo-
ber. A central focus of a Charity
Auction with some particularly
exclusive lots up for grabs set
the tone for what was a generous
night from the company, raising
just in excess of £16,500 for the
three chosen charities. Khula Edu-
cation is a South African-based
charity whose mission is to enable children from under-resourced rural communities to have the opportunity of a quality education. Sapper Sup- port, our other charity of choice, was founded in 2014 to aid those serving and veterans with PTSD and other mental health conditions and has since expanded to incorporate all branches of the Armed Forces and the Fire Service. The Army Benevolent Fund (The Soldier’s Charity) is the national charity of the British Army, provid- ing a lifetime of support to soldiers, veterans and their families in times of need.
The evening commenced with drinks at platoon level in the Prestige Rooms of Old College before
OCdt Elkington, the auction was well received by all and generously supported by all parts of the Com- pany and our Directing Staff. Top lot for the auction was a healthy £3,500 invested for the privilege of a fresh brew delivered each morn- ing of Ex DYNAMIC VICTORY by the Company Sergeant Major. The Company extend their thanks to the Sandhurst Trust, Aramark and S/Cpl Martin for their assistance in ensuring the success of the
A central focus
of a Charity Auction with
some particularly exclusive lots up
for grabs set the tone for what was a generous night
As a dinner night committee member tasked with organising the evening, we were lucky to be mentored through the logistical efforts required to get the night off the ground by Cap- tain Hearnshaw. Opportunities such as these are more nuanced but equally as important learning opportunities that fall out of our time at RMAS, and hopefully will set us up well for our move to our units where the organisation of such events is also likely to fall to Subalterns. Some of our key takeaways were the importance of holding regular but concise meetings and ensuring suf- ficient beverages of all types were available.
 The Officers’ Association Employment Services
Whether you are still serving, in transition or a former commis- sioned officer, the OA offers con- fidential, impartial, and practical employment advice to support you in your career after the Armed Forces.
Founded in 1920 as a charity, we
work closely with employers throughout the UK to help officers find sustainable and fulfilling
jobs. In addition, we offer a range of executive-level career tools aimed at increasing your knowledge and extending your network to support you with your next career move.
Access job vacancies for officers at Register for career consultations and events at or call us on 020 7808 4160.

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