Page 41 - The Wish Stream Year of 2020 Crest
P. 41

 A Colour Sergeant’s Perspective
CSgt Zhoutyuk (8 Pl, Waterloo Coy)
Idraft this article in the final few weeks of Com- missioning Course 201 (Senior Term). During the term we have completed Ex CHURCH-
ILL’S CHALLENGE. On this exercise the OCdts learnt for the first time how to operate in the urban environment. They established a forward operating base (FOB) and an Ops room and, with the support of the directing staff, executed the subsequent tactical actions that followed.
We then took forward what we learnt on CHURCHILLS and applied it to the test Ex TEMPLER’S TRIUMPH. This exercise focuses on stabilisation operations and traditionally cul- minates with a challenging public order event. COVID-19 made this exercise more challenging to deliver safely and appropriately,
Once in Thetford, they went on the following 36 hours rotation of rural ops, interface ops and urban ops and the deployment finished with a battlegroup attack on Eastmere Village. We, as CSgts/SSgts, were in role as MFCs which was extremely enjoyable! The exercise was really well run, taking into consideration all of the last-min- ute changes due to COVID. On completion of the exercise, I am sure that my Platoon is pass- ing out with confidence and ready to be junior leaders. As you take a step back and observe the product you helped produce in the last year, you quickly realise that all of the OCdts are ready for initial trade training. After the final ‘STOP’ gets called, OCdts are then served their champagne breakfast and place their regimental headdress
 but nonetheless was well deliv-
ered. The OCdts rotated through
two days of playing civilian popu-
lation, two days of operating in
the urban environment and two
days in the rural environment.
This is where the continuity from
was critical, and more responsi-
bility was placed on the OCdts
during the execution. A shift from
conventional to contemporary type operations adds another layer of complexity to develop their understanding and ability to operate in scenarios with an asymmetric threat.
Ex DYNAMIC VICTORY was the final test exer- cise of the term before OCdts commission from Sandhurst. At this stage of the course the OCdts are completely independent with their estimate and planning and fulfil Coy Comd and CSM roles for the entirety of the exercise. We, as instruc- tors, only step into coach when necessary in order to allow them to grow and develop as much as possible. The exercise started with an RSOI range package at Lydd for the first four days where they went from static shoots to fire team attacks. This was a real eye-opener for the OCdts, who have never done advanced range activity before. On completion of the package and pre-deployment checks they then moved onto Thetford training area.
on and both you and they quickly realise that all the hard work over the last year has paid off.
The Sovereign’s Banner competi- tion also came to a close with the final event (the endurance race) after Ex DYNAMIC VICTORY. This prestigious award is presented to the Platoon that has achieved top marks in their performance through- out their time on the commissioning
course and is decided by numerous arduous and academic events, such as the March and Shoot, Ex LONG REACH and the Log Race. All of the events will see the OCdts operating as a team with accumulated scores based on their perfor- mance. The best platoon will receive the honour of being presented with the Sovereign’s Ban- ner on the Sovereign’s Parade which is a great achievement for the Platoon, as well as a proud moment for the families and permanent staff. My Platoon came second overall in the event and I was proud of their efforts and work ethic.
From the start of their journey on Ironing Board Sunday on day one until now, the OCdts have developed tremendously. Both mentally and physically you can see the positive change in them. They have become more focused and determined future officers with more confidence and I hopefully look forward to working along- side them in the future.
The exercise
was really well run, taking into consideration all of the last-minute changes due to COVID

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