Page 67 - The Wish Stream Year of 2020 Crest
P. 67

The Central Library has extended its resource base by a massive 220%!
As part of the library’s E-strategy, every Officer Cadet is provided with a Sandhurst Open Ath- ens account. Using their laptops and smart- phones, OCdts can access the library catalogue, databases, journals and E-books from whatever location they happen to be. Quite simply, the library is now 24/7, and Sandhurst
Palace used and promoted their library and col- lection for positive institutional benefit.
As a reputational brand asset and a key support- ing resource within the Sandhurst Dean of Aca- demic Studies’ organisational ambit, the library has worked collaboratively with the Sandhurst Faculty of Leadership, Security and Warfare to open-up the space as the perfect venue for
OCdts have never had access to so many electronic resources as they do now.
After much planning, The Central library at Sandhurst led the way across Defence libraries in April 2019
occasional seminar presentations on military history and leadership. In many ways this policy harks back to earlier times. In 1947, The Central Library played host to Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery’s lecture on leadership and morale to Intake One; it was the venue for the very first Kermitt Roosevelt lecture given by Lieutenant General A.C. Wedermeyer (US Army) and in 1978, the library hosted a twenty-
 In parallel to extending the
library’s electronic resource base
and reach in 2019 and 2020, the
library strategy has been to under-
line its value as a Sandhurst repu-
tational asset. One only needs to
look at how the Royal United Ser-
vices Institute and other high-profile institutions capitalise on their libraries. In 2015, I delivered a paper on the Sandhurst library and historic mili- tary collections to the Rare Books and Special Collections Conference held at Lambeth Palace in London. As I spoke to my professional peers across the university and special collections sec- tors, I was nevertheless struck by how Lambeth
minute address to an Academy VIP audience by the former prime minister, Mr Harold Macmillan. Serving with distinction as an infantry officer dur- ing the First World War, Macmillan was prime minister from 1957 to 1963, and was therefore the perfect choice to close a series of four spe- cial exhibitions organised in association with the Department of War Studies.
RMAS Commandant Major Nanson CBE – Delivering leadership presentation in the RMA Sandhurst Central Library 9th March 2020. Photographer - Mr Mike Smith RMA Sandhurst.

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