Page 91 - The Wish Stream Year of 2020 Crest
P. 91
Regulation price of commissions example (1837)
(‘today’s money’ equivalent)
Life Guards
Foot Guards
£450 (£27K)
£840 (£51K)
£1,260 (£76K)
£1,200 (£73K)
£700 (£42K)
£1,190 (£72K)
£1,785 (£108K)
£2,050 (£124K)
£1,800 (£109K)
£3,225 (£195K)
£3,500 (£211K)
£4,800 (£290K)
£3,200 (£193K)
£4,575 (£276K)
£5,350 (£323K)
£8,300 (£501K)
Lieutenant Colonel
£4,500 (£272K)
£6,175 (£373K)
£7,250 (£438K)
£9,000 (£544K)
These prices were incremental. To purchase a promotion, an officer only had to pay the differ- ence in price between his existing rank and the desired rank.
‘Today’s money’ values are calculated using the National Audit Office Currency Convertor. The data used to provide the calculations for the cur- rency converter has been collated from original documents and official statistics, and the survey of material used has been as comprehensive as possible. However, the results of the calculations are intended to be a general guide to historical values, rather than a categorical statement of fact.
Author’s note: this article is not claimed as origi- nal research, but rather the extensive use of existing material, primarily: ‘The Purchase Sys- tem in the British Army 1660 – 1871’ by Anthony Bruce (Royal Historical Society Studies in History 1980).
All illustrations, apart from that of Lt Col Le Marchant, are reproduced with the kind permis- sion of the National Portrait Gallery.
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